Have you ever wondered if other students are thinking the same thing you are when you're walking around campus? I sure have.
1. Crap, I went to high school with him. I hope he doesn't see me.
2. He definitely saw me.
3. Is this professor only parking?
4. Why are there 15 parking lots and still no parking spaces open?
5. Wait, where's this building?
6. Oh. It's on the other campus.
7. Look at all these people at the gym! I should go to the gym.
8. I'll go to the gym tomorrow. ( No I won't)
9. I should've taken this class online.
10. I wonder if black board is working today.
11. Why are there so many people?
12. Great, that guy is sitting at my table in the library. Now I can't study.
13. I can wake up early and do the assignment before class.
14. The exam isn't on Quizlet, I'm gonna fail.
15. Why aren't scantrons included in tuition price?
16. One red bull can't hurt...
17. Why is there a stop sign every five feet?
18. Why is my all high school here?
19. Should I wave or pretend I didn't remember them?
20. I'm never taking a science with a lab this early again.
21. I should join a club.
22. Not that club.
23. I definitely have time for coffee before class. (No I don't.)
24. This is nothing like Community.
25. I wonder if they have a student discount for tuition.
26. I wonder if they have a student discount for text books.
27. I hope I see a dog on campus today.
28. Why do I have to buy a book AND an access code for the online homework?
29. If I sit in the middle row, I won't get called on.
30. If Harry Potter went to this college would we be friends?
31. No, cause I don't talk to anyone.
32. Okay, one more red bull.
33. I'll do the assignment after work.
34. I wonder how many students have been hit by a car on campus.
35. I'm never taking a three hour night class again.
36. I should drink more water.
37. And I left my water bottle in my car.
38. There's water in coffee, close enough.
39. Maybe I should just drop out and work for Netflix IT.
40. The one person I know in this class isn't here. I'm leaving.
41. I should join an intramural sport.