41 Things To Do Instead Of Your Homework | The Odyssey Online
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41 Things To Do Instead Of Your Homework

Why do your work when there are so many other things to do, right?

41 Things To Do Instead Of Your Homework
Instagram / Bujo_Idea

Why do your work when there are so many other things to do, right? Here's 41 to keep you occupied.

  1. Plan an imaginary vacation that you could never afford.
  2. Plan a birthday party for a friend.
  3. Watch a YouTube tutorial for a look you could never do.
  4. Totally jam out to some music and have a mini dance party.
  5. Go on a run outside so you can run away from your problems.
  6. Take a nap because not doing your work is so exhausting.
  7. Facetime a friend so you can do nothing together.
  8. Clean your room so you can see the floor again.
  9. Clean your closet so your clothes fit.
  10. And your bathroom while you're at it…
  11. Take your hair out of the bun it has been in all week and make it look presentable.
  12. Take a bath, because that’s always fun.
  13. Practice a musical instrument that you haven’t touched in actual years.
  14. Fill your online shopping basket with all the things that you totally NEED.
  15. Write an Odyssey article.
  16. Binge watch TV on your favorite provider (#netflix)
  17. Take Buzzfeed quizzes .
  18. Free your binders of all the excess paper that ends up in the side-pocket.
  19. Read a book for fun.
  20. Watch Snapchat stories.
  21. Start a vlog, on snapchat of course.
  22. Color, either with a coloring book or on an app.
  23. Meditate.
  24. Cook a three-course meal for yourself.
  25. Go on a Target run to buy some pretty but useless junk.
  26. Look at old pictures and reminisce about how great your life used to be.
  27. Research college stats and cry about your chances of getting in.
  28. Paint your nails.
  29. Plan your outfit for the next day so you can get more sleep in the morning.
  30. Rewrite your notes so they look aesthetically pleasing.
  31. Make a to-do list of all the things you aren’t going to do.
  32. Try on different glam makeup looks for that fancy event you don’t really want to go to.
  33. Attack the chair of clothes that need to be washed.
  34. Call your parents.
  35. Plan your classes for the next year and stress about all the theoretical work.
  36. Stare at the wall because you are probably doing this already.
  37. Rearrange yourself until you find the perfect position to do your work.
  38. Read all of my articles.
  39. Scroll through Instagram explore for way too long.
  40. Treat your stressed skin to a face mask.
  41. And finally after all of these things, start your homework, or you know you could just go to bed and let future you worry about it.
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