It's that time of year again - the end of the semester when everything you've worked so hard for fails you and you're left with nothing but a few borderline grades. It's definitely not an ideal situation, what with wanting to cry and/or eat a pizza every ten minutes, but you'll get through it. Just think of that shining moment when you emerge from these dark days, no longer an un-showered, eating-only-chips-for-dinner troll who lives in the library for twenty-three hours a day. It will be glorious and award-worthy and your parents will be so damn proud. But unfortunately you have to make it through your finals before you can rise again. So here are forty-one more things you can do to avoid studying because I refuse to let you study for more than twenty minutes with no interruption. Who needs a degree anyway?
1. Google your name.
2. Invent a delicious new dish.
3. Email your professors for your grades, even if you already know them.
4. Clean out your closet.
5. Write a letter to your great aunt - she misses you.
6. Learn Spanish.
7. Pretend you're British.
8. Buy a dog and train it.
9. Learn how to crack an egg with one hand.
10. Go to China.
11. Get married.
12. Brush your hair.
13. Dye your hair.
14. Dye it back.
15. Call your mom.
16. Bake a red velvet cake.
17. Re-evaluate your life decisions.
18. Drink some water.
19. Visit a prison.
20. Change the batteries in your smoke detectors.
21. Memorize the bones in your hand (if you're taking Anatomy already do not do this).
22. Memorize the words to "We Didn't Start the Fire".
23. Impersonate your friends.
24. Read every BuzzFeed article ever written.
25. Eat.
26. Research the history of catnip.
27. Start a blog about procrastination.
28. Paint a mural.
29. Watch an entire season of Grey's Anatomy.
30. Buy yourself a new ring.
31. Instagram a picture of your food.
32. Get into gardening.
33. Bowl until you get a strike.
34. Learn to do a handstand.
35. Cyber stalk everyone in your classes.
36. Contact them to distract them from studying.
37. Do your roommate's laundry.
38. Clean your ceiling fan.
39. Read the entire Bible.
40. Memorize a Shakespeare passage and present it to your teachers before each exam.
41. Read several articles just like this one to avoid studying at all costs.
Good luck!
*All images via