In a world full of negativity spreading from the media, politics, friends, the workplace and school, it is important for all of us to pay attention to some of the smaller things in life that can deliver a lot of positivity if we take the time to notice them. Here is a list of things to observe throughout your day that can bring a smile to your face and have you feeling positive about yourself and about your day.
1. All the amazing things that your body is doing simultaneously.
2. Something healthy that you ate.
3. Something that tasted absolutely delicious.
4. A couple holding hands.
5. Someone smiling at a text or a post on their phone.
6. A song that makes you want to sing and dance.
7. Something that you said to make another person smile.
8. Someone laughing uncontrollably.
9. Someone wearing an outfit that you love.
10. A post on Facebook that made you think.
11. The way that your outfit makes you feel.
12. The first few moments of the morning when everything feels silent, even your own thoughts.
13. Someone sharing good news on the phone.
14. A child giggling and playing.
15. Nature: trees, flowers, squirrels, rabbits and birds.
16. Your favorite color sprinkled throughout your day.
17. Someone who is running or working hard to become fit.
18. Someone giving a compliment.
19. A smell that you love.
20. A quote that resonates with you.
21. An old photo that brings back amazing memories.
22. The comfiness of your bed.
23. A book that you hope to read someday.
24. The weather, rain or shine.
25. When someone tells you that they love you.
26. Someone speaking about something they feel passionate about.
27. When someone asks how your day is going.
28. Something positive in the news.
29. Something that you learned.
30. Good news from your best friend.
31. Exciting plans that you have in the upcoming week.
32. Something that you have accomplished.
33. That each day has a reason and a purpose.
34. The point in the day that you felt your happiest.
35. Someone getting a hug.
36. Someone giving a high five.
37. The fact that somebody loves you.
38. Two people in love.
39. The moment that you felt the most relaxed.
40. That there is always tomorrow.
41. That every day is a gift.
Negativity can easily take over and invade even the best of days, and that is why it is so important to keep your eyes, ears, and nose open to all of the beautiful things that are occurring around you.