3. Fall scented candles from Bath and Body Works

4. The changing of the leaves
6. PSL, PSL, Pumpkin Spice Lattes!!
7. You can finally watch Halloween Town (1, 2, 3, & 4) without being judged
8. Fuzzy socks with your Birkenstocks are back in style

11. Cute dogs in cute Halloween costumes

12. The Trader Joes Butternut Squash Mac 'n Cheese (its amazing, trust me)

13. Carving pumpkins
14. Thanksgiving (all that food, how could anyone hate it???)
15. The beautiful scenery you get from the leaves falling
18. Charlie Brown Halloween & Thanksgiving shows
23. Sales on summer clothing since the season is over

24. Booties are back and cuter than ever
25. Maroon everything

26. Dark nail polish is socially acceptable again (time to bring out the OPI Lincoln Park After Dark)

27. Friends Thanksgiving episodes are back on TV
28. Fall weather = hoodie season
29. Beanies (Love Your Melon {Support a good cause})
30. The fireplace is back on
34. The crunching sound when you step on the fallen leaves
36. Never sweating while walking to class (or anywhere)
40. Thick fuzzy socks

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