40 Better Uses For The Controversial Urban Outfitters Crop Top | The Odyssey Online
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40 Better Uses For The Controversial Urban Outfitters Crop Top

Is it a shirt? A swimsuit cover up? Lingerie? No one really knows .

40 Better Uses For The Controversial Urban Outfitters Crop Top
The Sun

I think we've all seen it- the crop "top" from Urban Outfitters that caused such an uproar that it was removed from shelves. Is it a shirt? Is it a swim suit cover? Is it lingerie? No one will ever really know. However, if you are interested in paying $16 for this piece of fabric, here are some ways you can get your money's worth:

1. A headband.

Who doesn't need more headbands- amiright?

2. A dish cloth.

Because dishes can get dirty.

3. A net to get your fish out of the tank.

Those pesky fish can be so difficult to capture.

4. A pasta strainer.

For all your pasta needs.

5. A hair net.

When a headband just isn't enough.

6. A baby tank top.

... for scandalous babies.

7. A sweater for your dog.

In case your dog gets cold.

8. A mop.

Not a great one, but it could get the job done.

9. A handkerchief.

For all your nasal disasters.

10. A dust rag.

Making spring cleaning a little more inappropriate.

11. A loofah.

How can something so dirty get you so clean?

12. A doll hammock.

Dolls need to sleep too.

13. A mosquito net for giant mosquitoes.

For really... really giant mosquitoes.

14. A blindfold.

Probably the world's worst blindfold.

15. A slingshot.

Maybe... probably not... bit it's worth a shot.

16. A tourniquet.

In case of emergencies.

17. A cat sweater.

Your cat might hate you... but it's a possibility.

18. A surrender flag.

In case you're fighting in a war any time soon.

19. A net to cover a very small berry bush.

A very, very small berry bush.

20. A water bottle holder.

Gotta stay hydrated!

21. A napkin.

For all you messy eaters out there.

22. Toilet paper.

... no explanation needed.

23. A bindle. (aka a hobo bag on a stick)

In case you are moving across the desert any time soon.

24. A paper towel.

Who needs Bounty when you have Urban Outfitters?

25. A trapeze net for hamsters.

If anyone has any acrobat hamsters.

26. A veil.

Every bride's must-have.

27. Christmas tree netting for a very tiny tree.

I'm sure Jesus would love for this to be incorporated into the celebration of his birth.

28. A mouse pad.

If you don't have anything else.

29. A source of protection from your chair legs and wood floors.

No more pesky scratches on your floors!!

30. A really horrible coffee filter.

If you like coffee grounds in your coffee, then this is the coffee filter for you!

31. With some sewing skills, a perfect fruit holder.

Sew the bottom together and you have a classy fruit basket for your kitchen.

32. To show your ex you still got it. *hair flip*

I think this might have been the original purpose, so might as well.

33. Fishnets for children.

... please no.

34. A mini soccer net.

This might be the most practical reason.

35. A basketball hoop replacement.

... or this.

36. Glasses cloth cleaner.

For when your glasses are so, so dirty.

37. Pocket square.

For all you classy gentlemen out there.

38. Cat underwear.

If you really want your cat to hate you.

39. The flag in capture the flag.

Because all elementary school kids need this in their lives.

40. Coffee table doily.

For when you have fancy guests over.

Urban Outfitters, you've outdone yourselves- first the Kent State sweatshirt, and now this? I don't consider myself a fashionista, but I'm pretty sure this is ridiculous. However, now that there are so many different uses for this "shirt," maybe now there will be a reason for you to put it back on shelves!

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