Finals week is easily the hardest, scariest, and most stressful week of the semester. Everyone is going crazy over their final exams, and needless to say, I am almost positive that every college student has thought these at one point or another.
1. Do I really need to pass this class to graduate?
2. Rest in peace to my GPA.
3. Did I really bring this much stuff here in the fall?
4. Should I get drunk before or after my exam?
5. Anyone have extra meal plan money?
6. Can someone help deloft my bed?
7. Crying, a lot of crying. Crying over finals and seniors leaving.
8. I'm debating on if it is possible to still make decent money as a stripper.
9. I can do this. People who are way dumber than I am do this. If they can do it, I can.
10. This is actual torture.
11. Wow, I can’t wait for an entire week of caffeine crashes and tears.
12. I'll just make a trip to Dunkin three times a day.
13. Are we sure we went over this in class?
14. I should not have skipped as much as I did.
15. Dear God, please help me make it through this week.
16. I’m just going to bubble in “B” for all the ones I don’t know.
17. After studying for 20 minutes, I feel you deserve a break.
18. Maybe, if I eat an entire tub of ice cream, I will feel better about myself.
19. Is it worth even studying at this point?
20. Shout out to for helping me sound intelligent in my final paper.
21. I wonder how possible it is for me to cheat on this final?
22. I should be studying right now, but I also should be sleeping.
23. When was the last time I showered?
24. You see that wall over there? Well, I have officially hit it.
25. I am considering dropping out, for the 100th time.
26. This final should not be that bad, hopefully!
27. Are there any open outlets at the library or no?
28. This deep breathing is not working.
29. I am not mentally prepared to fail this exam.
30. Wait, it is actually possible that I can pass this class.
31. The end of the tunnel is near, I can finally see the light.
32. I should have taken better notes, or notes at all.
33. Where is my phone charger?
34. What can I watch on Netflix that will not totally distract me?
35. My GPA does not define me.
36. Cs get degrees, right?
37. How much of this will really be on the final?
38. What if I forget all of this before the final exam?
39. Is this girl even in my class?
40. I think it is okay to live at home forever, right?
Finals week sucks, plain and simple. The bright side is that soon enough, finals will be over, and it will be summer break. Summer break means all the fires, s'mores, and wine nights you want. Happy almost summer, everyone!