For all you sentimental college students reminiscing on high school, think back upon where you went wrong. Do you regret anything? Did you reach your fullest potential? With age comes maturity, and it isn't until after high school where you realize that those four years were not the best four of your life. They were, however, years of growth you needed to get where you are today. Here are 40 things I wish I was aware of throughout my teenage years:
1. Your SAT/ACT score means absolutely nothing.
2. Retweets/favorites are irrelevant.
3. Facebook statuses are not your diary.
4. Likes are just a number.
5. Skipping a few classes is not a huge deal.
6. Your GPA doesn't define you.
7. Some people won't like you. Don't let it bother you.
8. No one cares who you brought to prom.
9. Or how much your dress was.
10. Appearance isn't everything.
11. Lighten up on the makeup.
12. Don't base your self worth on what he thinks.
13. Judging others isn't cool.
14. Missing one party won't hurt you.
15. Learn from your mistakes.
16. Don't waste your tears on someone who doesn't give you the time of day.
17. He won't matter in a few years.
18. Don't take home cooked meals for granted.
19. Tell your parents you love them.
20. Your family can spot a crappy person before you can.
21. There's more to life than a drunk, saturday night.
22. Don't hold grudges.
23. Don't hold your feelings in.
24. Tell your crush how you feel. You'll regret it.
25. There's plenty of fish in the sea.
26. College boys are just as immature as they were in high school.
27. Age doesn't matter.
28. Stop trying to impress everyone.
29. Popularity means nothing.
30. Stop caring what other people think.
31. Be nice to everyone. You don't know what someone might be dealing with.
32. Don't follow what everyone else is doing.
33. It's okay to stay home on a friday night.
34. A few carbs won't kill you.
35. Hang out with your grandparents as much as you can.
36. Your ex is an ex for a reason.
37. Appreciate everything your family's done for you.
38. Stay clear of toxic friendships and relationships.
39. Be spontaneous.
40. High school is only the beginning.