Everyone has those days where they feel as if the world is going to end at any second. Bad grade on a test, lost your job, dog hates you, the list is endless. Here is a list of things to tell yourself when you feel like the world hates you.
1. You're amazing just the way you are.
2. You can't be happy with someone else if you haven't learned to be happy with yourself.
3. Boys may leave you, but chocolate is a drug store trip away.
4. You know more than you think. Trust yourself.
5. Listen to your heart, it knows all things.
6. Your stretch marks do not define you.
7. Every day may not be good, but there is something good in every day.
8. Hold on, relax. The pain ends.
9. Netflix will always be your boyfriend.
10. You are loved.
11. It gets better.
12. A group of cats is called a clowder.
13. Be positive.
14. A group of kittens is called a kindle.
15. Stop complaining and be thankful.
16. Cats make around 100 different sounds.
17. Eating these french fries are not going to kill you.
18. Yes girl, buy two candy bars. You deserve it.
19. No, you do not look fat.
20. No, you're not ugly.
21. No, your stretch marks do not make you any less beautiful.
22. No, you are not a slut.
23. NO, you do not deserve to be treated cruelly.
24. NO, you do not need to stay with him if he's found someone else.
25. Yes, you look good.
26. You do not need to be 90 pounds to feel beautiful. Any body shape and any weight are all beautiful.
27. Money doesn't buy you love.
28. Buy the 5 foot teddy bear, I know you want to.
29. It's okay to be accidentally clumsy, someone will think it's cute.
30. You're not perfect, but it's ok.
31. EVERYONE has flaws.
32. Your belly rolls when you sit are normal, hate to break it to ya.
33. You can do anything you put your mind to.
34. You are strong.
35. You are enough.
36. You're all that and a super sized back of chips.
37. You are NOT stupid.
38. You are amazing.
39. You are loved. (said it twice because it's twice as true)
40. God loves you just the way you are. Boys, money, makeup, education, etc. do NOT define you.
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