Boredom. It can strike at the best of times and the worst of times. Though it doesn't matter as much when it strikes, it does matter what you do. Now don't get me wrong -- Netflix is one of the best inventions in the entire world and I am eternally grateful for its services. However, there are so many other things you could be doing with your life other than staring at your TV/computer screen. So even if it's just one day a week, step away from "OITB" and "New Girl" and step towards discovering new and engaging hobbies. And if you're totally lost and have no idea what to do with all your free time (the sarcasm is strong with this one), here are 40 things to do instead of watching Netflix (and they're conveniently separated into categories- just like Netflix).
Engage your mind
1. Read a book
2. Work on a puzzle
3. Play Solitaire online (or with a deck of cards if you have one handy)
4. Do a Crossword or Word Search
5. Play brain games on your phone
6. Research things you've always wanted to learn about
7. Try to list all 50 states without looking them up
8. Study a foreign language
9. Play video games
10. Complete Sudoku puzzles
Engage your body
11. Go for a walk/run
12. Go to the gym
13. Practice yoga
14. Follow along with dance workout videos on Youtube
15. Invite some people to play basketball
16. Go swimming
17. Ride a bicycle
18. Climb the stairs at your apartment complex (or the ones by Barnes & Noble on campus)
19. Play with your pet
20. Play frisbee on the quad
21. Play Just Dance
Engage your soul
22. Listen to music
23. Create playlists for different moods
24. Write poetry or short stories
25. Draw and/or paint something
27. Teach yourself how to knit/crochet
28. Learn how to play a musical instrument
29. Memorize as many songs as you can
30. Meditate
31. Cook your favorite meal or dessert
32. Print out your favorite pictures and hang them in your room
33. Write in a journal
34. Make a bucket list
35. Doodle random things
36. Make a list of movies or TV shows you eventually want to watch
37. Read your Bible
38. Spend time on Pinterest
39. Take photographs of the world around you
40. Make a scrapbook of your favorite memories