One of the best things you can do in life is smile. It is like eating your favorite dessert - instantly brings you happiness! With recent events, it is safe to say a lot of people are stressed. Not only does it not feel good, but it also isn't good for us. That's why it is important to find the one thing that makes you smile regardless of what is going on around you! Are you having trouble thinking of something? Here are 40 things that will make you smile!
1. Watching the clouds go by
Take a few minutes all to yourself and enjoy the peace and quiet.
Recommended for you
2. Playing with a puppy
They're cute, funny and just walking in to the same room as them you will make you smile!
3. Giving someone a hug
Not only are you making yourself feel better, you are helping someone else feel better too!
4. Reading a good book
Whether it is one you're reading for the first time, or one you've read a dozen times before, there is nothing like curling up with a good book.
5. A vase full of flowers
It will brighten up any room and leave you feeling a little happier than when you entered.
6. A great view
It shows you just how big the world is, and teaches you to appreciate all the little things life has to offer.
7. Taking a trip to the beach
The cure for just about everything!
8. Eating ice cream
I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream.
9. Trying something new
Whether you succeeded or not, at least you gave it a shot.
10. Watching the city lights
They're pretty incredible from a distance.
11. Wearing your favorite outfit
Never underestimate the power of a good outfit on a bad day!
12. Eating chocolate chip cookies
A tall glass of milk and a whole lot of happiness!
13. Exercising
Get up! Get moving!
14. Enjoying the perfect cup of coffee
The best way to start off any day.
15. Watching a funny YouTube video
We're all guilty of it...
16. Talking to your mom
She always knows the right thing to say.
17. Writing a letter to someone
Sure, a text message is easier, but there is nothing like getting a letter in the mail.
18. Playing on the swings
Taking you back to your childhood...
19. Having a dance party
Dance is the best medicine.
20. Jamming to your favorite band
There's nothing better, right?
21. Listening to a killer music playlist
Compile a list of all your favorite songs: the popular ones, the goofy ones, your guilty pleasures, etc.
22. Hanging out with your friends
Is there anything better than this?
23. Surprising a loved one with a little gift
As Ben Carson said, "happiness doesn't result from what we get, but from what we give."
24. A good quote
Find a quote that will always make you smile. Remember to say it when things get tough.
25. Do a cartwheel (or ten).
It takes you back to your childhood - when this was the coolest thing you could possibly do.
26. Walking barefoot on the beach.
There is nothing like feeling the sand beneath your feet.
27. Going for a swim
This just says summer, and summer is happiness.
28. Watching the rain
Grab some hot chocolate, a blanket and get cozy.
29. Saying a prayer
Say it for yourself, for someone else you know, or even someone you don't know. Every prayer is heard.
30. Watching the sunset
One of nature's biggest blessings.
31. Spending time with your family
These are the people who will always be by your side. They make everything better.
32. This little kitten
You can't deny how cute this little guy is.
33. Eating breakfast in bed
Combing two of the best things into one!
34. Watching your favorite movie
Pop some popcorn and put your favorite movie on. It's the perfect way to wind down.
35. Taking a bubble bath
Take a few minutes at the end of the day to relax.
36. Star gazing
Escape the hustle and bustle of the city and trade it for a night under the stars.
37. Night time drives
Roll down the window, blast that killer playlist and enjoy the ride.
38. Go for a hike
"Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better." -Albert Einstein
39. Eating your favorite dessert
Is there anything better?
40. Watching the sunrise.
It's a new day... find something new that makes you smile!
Take a few minutes for yourself each day and remember what makes you smile. Whether it is a person or an animal, your favorite food or your favorite place, it makes you happy. Hold on to that feeling, and spread it everywhere you can. Happiness is contagious!