As the academic year draws to a close, there is a definite atmosphere of both panic and celebration on campus. Finals haven't begun, but all of our project and essay deadlines are coming up. We haven't quite lost our sanity, but the slow descent into madness has begun. Some common phrases you might hear on campus include:
1. I should be studying right now.
2. I can't, I have to study.
3. I'm going to take a quick study break... just one Netflix episode.
4. Dude, I just binge-watched an entire season on Netflix.
5. I think I'm going to have to pull an all-nighter.
6. There's no way I can pull this all-nighter.
7. I can't believe the year is almost over!
8. I can't wait for this semester to end.
9. I'm not ready for the year to end!
10. I just want to nap.
11. Is Starbucks still open?
12. I can't, I have to meet with my project group.
13. When does the library close again?
14. I haven't slept in like four days.
15. Calories don't count until after finals.
16. Does eating a jar of Nutella count as a meal?
17. I hope that final isn't going to be cumulative.
18. Was last semester this hard? I don't think last semester was this hard.
19. Next semester is going to be so much better.
20. I hate everyone.
21. I hate my life.
22. College is so great, I don't ever want this year to end!
23. I'm so done.
24. Is the pizza place still open?
25. So if I eat six meals a day for the rest of the semester, I might get rid of all my meal swipes.
26. Why did all our professors make everything due at the same time?
27. My summer plans? Uh, I have to go, I think I hear someone calling my name.
28. I've met so many great people here, I hate to say goodbye!
29. Who is that guy again? I haven't talked to him since, like, the first week.
30. I'm never going to procrastinate again.
31. I can't believe I procrastinated again.
32. Woah, I'm can't believe I'm going to be a (sophomore, junior, senior, graduate).
33. How many class days are left again?
34. Is that final optional?
35. I should probably start studying for finals... tomorrow.
36. I can't even think about packing my dorm right now.
37. I need to go grocery shopping... but move out day is so close, I'll just wait.
38. I'm out of pants... I think I might need to do laundry.
39. Did I mature this year? Yes, and I also watched a lot of Disney movies
40. I'm really going to miss college. I can't believe another year has gone by already.
Yes, many of these things are contradictory — but the same person can probably be heard saying all of them. Let's be honest, the end of the school year makes us a little crazy. It feels like our first day was yesterday, and now a whole year has gone by. Things are ending fast, and with essays, projects and finals looming in the weeks to come, we barely have time to say goodbye. You're not alone in feeling a little overwhelmed by all this, so take a deep breath. We had a great year, and better years are still to come.