Throughout our lives, reliance has been a foundation for many. From baths, to meals, to even friendly advice, it seems as if our self dependence has started to fall. Don't get me wrong, if you're very independent I applaud you so much. But I am here to say a few things you should do by yourself once and a while:
1. Forget about the drama
2. Spoil yourself
3. Cuddle up in your blanket and watch a movie
4. Take a bath
5. Do some yoga
6. Light a candle
7. Write yourself a love note
8. Open it a few weeks later
9. Meditate
10. Draw whatever you want
11. Look at yourself in the mirror and compliment everything you love
12. Blast your favorite song
13. Play it on repeat
14. Make your favorite food
15. Stay off technology
16. Get your nails done
17. Call someone you haven't talked to in a while
18. Read a book
19. Look over old photos
20. Go to your favorite spot
21. Go on a 2 hour drive alone
22. Laugh at old videos
23. Give yourself some time for self reflection
24. Take all the bad out of your life
25. Take time to organize your room
26. Make sure your calendar is up to date
27. Buy some flowers
28. Watch some Buzzed videos
29. Look up your favorite quote
30. Cry
31. Make a DIY destress jar
32. Dance a little about all your accomplishments so far
33. Try on all your clothes and act silly
34. Sing at all times
35. Bake anything you want
36. Call your best friend just so they know they are loved
37. Go to a concert alone
38. Craft
39. Sleep for as long as you want
40. Write everything you love down and make sure you put it somewhere you can see everyday
These things might seem so simple, but they do work. Give yourself some time to truly be alone even if it might only be for 10 minutes. Thank yourself for getting to this exact moment in life. It might be stressful, but it sure as heck is worth it.