"Never regret something that once made you smile" is an extremely powerful quote spoken by Amber Deckers, but have we ever truly stopped and thought what this quote really says? This quote is one of the most simply put, yet most hard to truly wrap our tiny heads around. In life, we are all going to do things we regret. We have all said things, done things (or not done things) and thought things that we have regretted. However, there is ONE thing that we should never regret, and that is choosing Jesus because when we choose Him, we are choosing life over death. Defeat over the enemy. Joy over bitterness. Faith over fear. Trust over mistrust.
I know we all hate to dwell on things that we regret, but I find it easier to move past the things that I regret if I write them down. Here are some things that I have regretted in my life. By no means am I proud to admit these regrets, but I am showing that we are all human and make mistakes.
1. Not taking an opportunity
2. Sending a text message while angry
3. Talking back to my parents
4. Getting mad at a friend over nothing
5. Putting off a passion or something I love
6. Being selfish
7. Not spending time with those who matter most
8. Wasting time on someone who was never interested
9. Living in fear
10. Not "letting go and letting God"
11. Not sharing The Gospel with someone
12. Letting the 'Green-Eyed Monster' win
13. Making fun of the new kid
14. Not telling the truth
15. Not letting someone know how I feel
16. Ranting on social media
17. Spending more time on social media than with my family
18. Not having a filter
19. Accidentally telling a secret
20. Saying "No thanks" to making memories
21. Giving in to peer pressure
22. Not living my life unashamed
23. Letting pride take over
24. Not telling a friend how much he/she means
25. Not asking for forgiveness
26. Being greedy
27. Not being thankful
28. Not appreciating God's beuty
29. Not saying "I love you" to someone I love
30. Not hugging someone in need of a hug
31. Living in the past
32. Being bitter
33. Frowning instead of smiling
34. Being too judgmental
35. Holding a grudge
36. Letting the Enemy win
37. Not appreciating the small things
38. Not choosing joy
39. Taking things for granted
40. Not living my life for the One who gave His life for me
You see, we all have regrets, but thankfully, "His mercies are new every morning" -Lamentations 3:23. It is never too late to repent and ask God for forgiveness. Stop living in the past and start living each day with a thankful heart.
"This is the day The Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it." -Psalm 118:24