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40 Small Things In Life That Genuinely Bring Me Joy

You know... Those little "ahhh" moments.

40 Small Things In Life That Genuinely Bring Me Joy
Amira Totah

People are always looking for big moments to be excited about when in reality, life is all about the little things that bring joy to our lives. Stop searching for some big picture and actually let yourself indulge in those small moments that make you feel good! Experience that "ahhh" feeling. Unsure what that is? It's something so simple, yet so satisfying. Here are a few of my favorites, see if you can relate!

1. Riding in the car with the windows down 

2. Freshly shaved legs 

3. Freshly shaved legs... And clean sheets 

4. Lighting a candle after cleaning your room 

5. Getting a tan line 

6. Taking a big sip of crisp ice water 

7. Feeling the sun on your skin 

8. Burying your feet in the sand 

9. Taking your bra off after a long day 

10. Singing in the car 

11. The smell of fresh cut grass 

12. Taking a bubble bath 

13. When your favorite song comes on somewhere 

14. Warm laundry 

15. Laughing so hard that it hurts 

16. Jumping into the water on a hot day 

17. Appreciating the night sky 

18. Beating all of the red lights 

19. Listening to the waves 

20. Waking up before your alarm and realizing you get to sleep more 

21. A familiar smell

22. Making the perfect pony or messy bun on the first try 

23. Reading a book outside 

24. Crawling into bed after a long day 

25. Waking up early enough to get coffee and breakfast 

26. When things just flow that day 

27. The first bite you take at dinner 

28. When you drop your phone and it doesn't crack 

29. An outfit you planned in your head actually looks good on 

30. Finding a pocket in your dress 

31. When your online orders finally arrive in the mail 

32. Being able to pop all of your fingers 

33. Perfectly ripe fruit 

34. Scratching an itch 

35. Peeling off gel polish perfectly 

36. Finding money in forgotten places 

37. Fresh breath 

38. Getting your nails done 

39. Finding a missing sock 

40. Putting on chapstick 

Yes, big moments are exciting but the little things are what make life worthwhile. It's the tiny joys that get us through day to day life and make us who we are. From the wise words of Farris Bueller, "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."

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