- You’ve watched all of "grey's Anatomy."
- And "Gossip Girl."
- The Starbucks barista knows you by name.
- You own anything Lilly Pulitzer.
- You have four T-shirt dresses that you alternate every time you go out.
- That you wear with white high top Converse.
- Or low top (you have both so it depends on the day).
- You own a pair of Jack Rodgers.
- Or five.
- You just really love cupcakes.
- Taylor Swift and her crew are obviously #SquadGoals.
- You buy your T-shirts two sizes too big.
- The only types of pants you wear are Norts or leggings.
- Your dog is your spirit animal.
- And your background on your phone.
- You’ve seen both of the "Magic Mike" movies three times.
- You literally can’t even.
- Everything you own either has your monogram or your sorority letters on it.
- "Love Actually" is your favorite Christmas movie.
- Christmas is your favorite holiday.
- Besides your birthday.
- You have three T-shirt drawers
- " Mean Girls" is your favorite movie (you go, Glen Coco)
- You say “YGG” and “ILY” in everyday language
- “OMG” is your go to phrase for 90 percent of what your friends tell you
- Sometimes you say “LOL” instead of laughing.
- You’re over it.
- You religiously watch the Cosmopolitan Snapchat Story.
- You always buy magazines at the grocery story checkout, but forget to read them.
- Kate Middleton is your idol.
- But"Keeping Up With The Kardashians" is your guilty pleasure.
- Your wardrobe is primarily from Target.
- Crafting is your favorite hobby.
- You still cry every time you watch "The Notebook."
- At one point, "Trap Queen" was your favorite rap song.
- Obviously, your favorite color is pink.
- You’ve planned your life on Pinterest (your wedding is going to be beautiful).
- Shopping is your choice form of exercise.
- You and your best friend learned every word to "Super Bass" in 10th grade.
- You have no shame in your basic game.
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