I saw an article circle around the internet from an online magazine called The Hustle. It talked about something I never heard before but always understood. I knew the mind would give in before the body would, but I didn't know there was scientific evidence and an actual name for it. It's called the 40% rule.
As i said before your mind always gives in before your body does. It tells you to quit, it tells you that your tired, your muscle are shot, your weak, can't go any longer. Your body follows your mind so even if its not tired, sore, weak. This is where the 40% rule comes in, at this point you 're at 40% of your capacity, there's still 60% of your capacity left. So push the limit, you got 60% left. Hit the gas and never lift.
Your mental toughness is what's going to allow you to break through that wall. You got to shut everything down and focus on your goal. Push passed that initial fatigue that causes you to want to quit. Once you clear your head of that you can just keep on pushing. You tap into the hidden reverses buried deep inside. Your body may shake, your muscles may scream in agony, and your heart may race, but It's only just the beginning and the greatest thing is each time you push past the 40% mark it grows. You become stronger, what broke you earlier no longer scratches you.
As I push myself I have no idea when my body will break, if it'll ever break. If it'll crumble underneath of me or strengthen to the point of becoming what some would call superhuman.