40 Literary Jokes For The Book Lover In You
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40 Literary Jokes For The Book Lover In You

Literary References: The Anthology

40 Literary Jokes For The Book Lover In You

Book lovers, English majors, and well-read individuals alike are notorious for loving literary jokes, references, and puns. I'm notorious for being a proponent of the Oxford comma. I could stop using it, but I would prefer not to.

Here are 40 (other) literary jokes that'll make you want to get off the Internet and go read a book:

1. "Why is John Milton terrible to invite to game nights? Because whenever he's around, there's a pair of dice lost."

2. "Why do words, phrases, and punctuation keep ending up in court? To be sentenced."

3. "John Green, Imma let you finish, but Emily Brontë had the best abundance of Catherines of all time."

4. "What's the best way to get an English major in the mood? Metaphorplay."

5. "It's a pity they didn't cast Ryan Reynolds as Jay Gatsby since he's both the green lantern and deadpool."


7. "What makes Civil Disobedience such a great essay? Thoreau editing."

8. "My English teacher looked my way and told me to name two pronouns. I said, 'Who, me?'"

9. "Which is Emily Dickinson's favorite reindeer? Dasher."

10. "Have you seen Finnick? Odair he is."

11. "How to get an A on everything: commit adultery in a 17th-century Puritan town."

12. "How did Charlotte Brontë make it easier for everyone to breathe? She created Eyre."

13. "How does Voltaire like his apples? Candied."

14. "What are you doing in that wardrobe?" "Narnia business!"

15. "I tried to enjoy Pride and Prejudice the first time I read it, but I found a lot of the main characters to be too Austentatious."

16. "Yippee-ki-yay, William Faulkner." - Bruce Willis, As I Lay Dying Hard

17. "Why was Odysseus in such a rush to get home? Because Homer is where the heart is."

18. "What did Juliet say when Romeo asked her where she wanted to go on their honeymoon? 'Anywhere but Paris.'"

19. "Why did Shakespeare only write in pen? Pencils confused him: 2B or not 2B?"

20. "Why did the comma break up with the apostrophe? Because it was too possessive."

21. "What would you find in Charles Dickens's kitchen? The best of thymes, the worst of thymes."

22. "What is Odysseus's favorite body of water? The Odysea."

23. "What do you get if you put a Greek classic in the fridge? The Chilliad."

24. "Which author is often mistaken for an artificially built water source? George or well?"

25. "Is there a word that uses all of the vowels, including Y? Unquestionably!"

26. "Which dinosaur writes romance novels? The Brontësaurus."

27. "What is Beowulf's favorite snack? Hwæt thins."

28. "Why do writers often feel cold? Because they're surrounded by drafts."

29. "It's not a party until somebody's dead in the pool."

30. "What was Socrates' favorite thing to mold? Play dough."

31. "What is Holden Caulfield's favorite children's show? My Little Phony."

32. "What does Kurt Vonnegut like to have in his cream cheese? Slaughterhouse chives."

33. "What do you call an Italian dish that is equal but more equal than other Italian dishes? Animal parm."

34. "I started walking around without any shoes and it became sort of a Hobbit."

35. "What does a book do to get thinner? Have its appendix removed."

36. "Jay Gatsby's car was a real hit with the ladies."

37. "On a scale from Matilda to Carrie, how well do you handle having telekinesis and terrible parents?"

38. "A crossover between the tale of King Midas and the tale of King Oedipus would be pure motherf*cking gold."

39. "Life is like Frankenstein's Monster chasing the Wolf-Man: It's just one damned thing after another."

40. "What kind of word should you invite to a tea party? A proper noun."

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