Blair Waldorf from the popular CW series "Gossip Girl" is truly a force of nature, and worth a binge watch marathon on Netflix for an introduction. And while the show has been off the air for a few years, Blair was one of our favorite Upper East side friends, and taught us a ton of instrumental life lessons over the years. Here are forty of the best life lessons from Blair Waldorf.
1.She taught us to admit when we've lost our way and need help.
2. She taught us of what we deserve in our romantic relationships
3. And models a healthy relationship for her friends and us all.
4. She reminded us that romantic relationships are at times confusing, messy and painful.
5. She taught us that people who hurt your best friends deserve all of the sass that you could ever give.
6. She taught us to know exactly what we want and be bound and determined to get it.
7. She taught us that nothing cures the bad day blues than shopping with your best friend.
8. She, like the rest of us, is just as baffled at the choices and thinking of the opposite sex.
9. She reminded us to not to be afraid to close the chapter and pursue a new story.
10. She taught us to never be afraid to call our friends out on their poor decisions... in the name of love of course.
11. She reminded us of the heartbreak that comes when our friends are hurting and they haven't reached out to involve us.
12. She taught us to be strong, independent and determined to make things go according to our plan.
13. She taught us that destiny is overrated , and if you want something to happen, that you should actually go out and pursue it.
14. She ,like rest of us, despises when her friends get back into the same, old, bad relationships.
15. She taught us to never be afraid to afraid to admit when everything is falling apart, and just needs our best friend to help pick up the pieces.
16. She remind us to always encourage our friends to pursue their dreams.
17. She taught us that has everyone has someone who she compares herself to, and feels like she falls short to.
18. She taught us that while no guy will be able to read our mind, the right guy will always be our partner in crime.
19. She taught us to never be afraid to bring out the sass to those who have hurt us.
20. She reminded us that the right person will, in our times of struggle and failure, pick us back up, and remind of who we are and exactly what we're worth.
21. She taught us that every one of us capable of growing up and facing our insecurities, and loving our selves despite all our hang-ups and personal failures.
22. She reminded us that romantic relationship failures are just as heartbreaking and soul sucking for her as they are for everyone else.
23. She taught us that privacy is indeed dead, and our phones are fountains of information.
24. She taught us that just because someone says we can't, doesn't mean that we should necessarily listen to them.
25. She taught us that we don't need a boyfriend to be happy and fulfilled.
26. She taught us that guys who are serious will chase us, and not leave us wondering.
27. She taught us to give excellent advice and consistently seek our friends best interests.
28. She taught us that good friends will make you the destination, not a stop along the way.
29. And that the best friendships are full of sassy remarks and fun.
30. Or to extremely disgusted by close friends constant public displays of affection.
31. She taught us to never be afraid to tell it like it is.
32. Or realize that some relationships are simply self-destructive and those are relationships to run from.
33. That the need for a good outfit on a bad day is essential
34. To never to be intimidated by our enemies success,but to use it as an inspiration to be better.
35. She taught that it is certainly okay to not being perfect, and occasionally we need a good friend to point out where we've gone wrong, and help fix it.
36. She reminded us that girls want romance, not plotting and madness.
37. She reminded us that fighting with our best friends bites, and not being able to confide in them when life is hard is truly unbearable.
38. Blair taught us to always be willing to work hard to achieve our goals.
39. Blair taught us to not be afraid to be high maintenance even if shopping isn't the best coping mechanism.
40. But what's most inspiring about Blair is her long lasting friendship with Serena. The pair have been through thick and thin, love and hate, and somehow always manage to work it out, and be there for each other. She taught us to find great friends that will never leave us behind, out grow or be intimidated by our darkness and mistakes.