Think you know everything there is to know about Walt Disney World? Well, test your knowledge see how many of these 40 interesting facts you know!
1. The Walt Disney World Resort takes up an area of around 30,500 acres, making it approximately the same size as the city of San Francisco.
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2. When Disney’s Magic Kingdom Park first opened in October of 1971, the price of adult admission cost $3.50. (today it is $90.00)
3. The opening day crowd at Disney’s Magic Kingdom Park has been reported as 10,000 guests.
4. In the early years, the original or “E ticket” attractions at Disney’s Magic Kingdom Park were Space Mountain, Pirates of the Caribbean, Haunted Mansion, Country Bear Jamboree, Hall of Presidents, Jungle Cruise, It’s a Small World and 20,000 Leagues under the Sea.![]()
5. Park officials estimate that The Magic Kingdom Park welcomes approximately 17.5 million annually. They also have reported that Epcot receives 11 million visitors, Disney’s Hollywood Studios plays host to 9.9 million fans and around the same number explore Disney’s Animal Kingdom with 9.9 million.
6. The tallest point in Magic Kingdom is the top spire of Cinderella Castle is the tallest structure in Disney’s Magic Kingdom Park at 189 feet, followed by Space Mountain at 183 feet.
7. The oldest ride in the Magic Kingdom didn’t even make its debut in the park. It’s a Small World actually premiered in the 1964-1965 New York World’s Fair. Since then over 256 million people have ridden the “the happiest cruise in the world”
8. The 180-foot-tall Spherical “Spaceship Earth” which serves as the icon of Epcot weighs in at approximately a whopping 16 million pounds, and the aquarium found at “The Seas With Nemo and Friends” is large enough to submerge “Spaceship Earth.”
9. The Haunted Mansion while spooky in a family friendly way actually houses some guests post mortem. Despite it being illegal and against park policy many guests have over the years spread their loved one's ashes on the ride, hoping to ensure their dearly departed relative becomes one of the happy haunts.![]()
10. The jolly headhunter who shows up near the end of the Jungle Cruise is known as “Trader Sam.”, he now has his own tiki bar and restaurant in Disney Springs.
11. In conjunction with the release of the second installment of the Pirates of the Caribbean film franchise, the ride was updated to include a few familiar faces including the famous Jack Sparrow. (Also, this ride also features some actual human remains in the form of an actual human skull watching over a sleeping pirate!)
12. Disney’s Animal Kingdom Theme Park is home to the magnificent Tree of Life. A manmade structure that stands 14 stories, features more than 300 animal carvings and is 50 feet wide, it is also home to a four-dimensional theater experience, and the featured attraction in Animal Kingdoms first ever nighttime show Rivers of Light” set to premier summer of 2016
13. Nestled behind Cinderella’s Castle is Prince Charmings Regal Carrousel. Built in 1917, it was once located at Olympic Park in Maplewood, New Jersey.
14. The Great Movie Ride at Disney’s Hollywood Studios takes place in an exact replica of Mann’s Chinese Theater. Complete with cement handprints!
15. Astro Orbiter first opened in Tomorrowland in 1974 as Star Jets, and during the moon landing coverage thousands gathered underneath of its ride cue to watch Neil Armstrong make his famous Giant Leap for Mankind.
16. The Hall of Presidents features a presidential seal prominently in its lobby, it took an act of congress to allow, in existence there are only three presidential seals reproduced under this act, the one on the carpet in the oval office, one in the hall which houses the liberty bell and the one featured in Disney.
17. Originally known as the “Tropical Serenade,” the Tiki Room in Adventureland was once sponsored by Florida Citrus Growers, since then it has gone through many transformations one of which involved Zazu from the Lion King and Iago from Aladdin serving as the new managers of the club. Guests hated it and it was transformed back in 2014.
18. Nestled in the heart of Adventureland is the 60-foot-tall Swiss Family Treehouse. The exciting walkthrough experience weighs approximately 200 tons and is made of concrete and thousands of polyethylene leaves. It serves as an interesting time waster when waiting for those fast passes!
19. Cinderella Castle, the centerpiece of Disney’s Magic Kingdom, features 18 towers and 13 gargoyles, it also houses a sit-down dining experience and a secret suite only available by promotional giveaway. The suite was originally designed to be Walt’s personal residence inside the park but sadly he passed away before Disney World came to fruition.
20. The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh at Fantasyland is located on the site of the former Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride, an homage to the former Amphibious Owner can be seen in the section of the ride involving owl. Two photographs on the wall depict Mr. Toad handing the deed over to owl. Also hoping he will rest in peace a statue of Mr. Toad can be seen on the grounds of the Haunted Mansion as you exit the ride.
21. The “Spirits of America” statues in The American Adventure at Epcot represent Adventure, Compassion, Discovery, Freedom, Heritage, Independence, Individualism, Innovation, Knowledge, Pioneering, Self-Reliance and Tomorrow. Each modeled after different important figures in American history. The watch over the exciting show which displays the evolution of America as narrated by Mark Twain.
22. Towering four stories over DinoLand U.S.A. at Disney’s Animal Kingdom, Dino-Sue is an exact replica of the largest Tyrannosaurus Rex ever discovered. It makes for a great photo spot before heading over to experience the exciting Dinosaur Ride formerly sponsored by McDonalds! (look for red, yellow, and white tubes during the ride cue, the formulas painted on those tubes are the chemical formula for Ketchup, Mustard, and Mayonnaise.)
23. Big Thunder Mountain Railroad in Frontierland features six trains: I.B. Hearty, I.M. Brave, I.M. Fearless, U.B. Bold, U.R. Daring and U.R. Courageous. It is also the shortest in the Disney mountain range which features Space Mountain and Splash Mountain. (there is a special collectable pin for riders of the range available in the shops behind Pecos Bill’s Eatery.
24. The Rock ‘n’ Roller Coaster – Starring Aerosmith at Disney’s Hollywood Studios launches you at a speed of 0 to 60 miles per hour in 2.8 seconds and features one of the only indoor roller coasters with a complete loop, as well as exciting blacklight effects.
25. A swinging suspension bridge leads from Tom Sawyer Island to Fort Langhorne, which was named after Samuel Langhorne Clemens (better known as Mark Twain). Look around on the ground on either side of the bridge, i you happen to find a paintbrush with a bright yellow handle brings it with you to the nearest cast member, they will give you a pass to skip the line on any park attraction!
26. The replica of the Liberty Bell that can be found in the center of Liberty Square was built from the same authentic cast as the original in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. It also sits in front of a replica of the liberty tree, a famous set piece from Disney’s Johnny Tremain.
27. The exit to Haunted Mansion features crypts with humorous names inscribed such as I.M. Ready, Rustin Peace, Pearl E. Gates, Manny Festation, Dustin T. Dust and Asher T. Ashes. Also, some new additions have been added to the entrance cue, including a mister to keep you cool and an interactive Ghost band grave marker. Also, look down as you approach the entrance, you may see a wedding ring embedded in the concrete, this belongs to the angry bride who waits for you in the attic, but be cautious, hell hath no fury like a bridezilla
28. The Walt Disney World Railroad, which serves approximately 1.5-million passengers annually, is an authentic 1928 steam-powered train. It was a labor of love for Walt who loved trains more than anything! He, in fact, had two miniature railways on his property in northern and southern California. His daughters have spoken about how they saw their dad at his happiest when he arrived via train to open Disneyland to the public.
29. The Mission: SPACE thrill ride at Epcot is so authentic that motion sickness bags are available just in case of emergency, it also has two ride cues, ones for people who are prone to motion sickness and those who are not, the two simulators create the feeling of liftoff in different ways, one using centrifugal force, and another using nothing more than movie magic.
30. A portion of “New Fantasyland” lies in the area that was once known as Mickey’s Toontown Fair, Mickey’s Birthdayland and Mickey’s Starland, the latest reincarnation allowed Belle and Rapunzel to take up residence at the Magic Kingdom and saw Ariel expand her role in the park!
31. Sonny Eclipse, an “intergalactic lounge singer,” performs daily at Cosmic Ray’s Starlight Café in Tomorrowland, he and his space angels delight guests as they dine on Disney quick service meals. (it is a great place to try and scout out a fireworks spot! Sitting outside near the back of the restaurant allows for some amazing views of the nightly spectaculars.
32. In order to rank as a “Galactic Hero” at Buzz Lightyear’s Space Ranger Spin, you must score 900,000 to 999,999 points, also to make this ride a little more interesting have a bet going with your party as to whom can score the highest, winner gets to pick one edible treat from the nearest food stand! (Mom and Dad that makes the prize far less expensive than a toy that will probably not fit in the jam-packed suitcase!)
33. The audio-animatronic dog in the Carousel of Progress is named “Rover.”, he is also featured on the Pirates of the Caribbean ride as the pooch with the keys
33. The audio-animatronic dog in the Carousel of Progress is named “Rover.”, he is also featured on the Pirates of the Caribbean ride as the pooch with the keys
34. Astronauts Scott Carpenter, Gordon Cooper, and Jim Irwin were present at the grand opening of Space Mountain in 1975.
35. Stitch’s Great Escape in Tomorrowland lies at the former site of ExtraTERRORestrial Alien Encounter, which closed in 2003. It has been said this was the scariest attraction on a property, which is why it was replaced with a more kid-friendly experience.
36. One of the original attractions at Disney’s Magic Kingdom Park, Tomorrowland Speedway was once known as Grand Prix Raceway, it is now the mini test track and takes riders along the Disney World Railway and under the shadow of Space Mountian.
37. Renamed The Seas with Nemo & Friends in 2006, The Living Seas pavilion opened at Epcot in 1986 and was originally sponsored by United Technologies, it is the largest aquarium in the united states and is home to the most diverse captive sea population on the planet.
38. Disney’s Magic Kingdom Park while based on is actually quite a bit larger than Disneyland occupying a space of approximately 107 acres, whereas Disneyland only takes up roughly 80 (not including California Adventure)
39. The design of Main Street U.S.A. was loosely based on Walt Disney’s hometown of Marceline, Missouri. Featured on many windows are names of important people in Disney’s life, including his father, mother, and brother. The faint smell of Vanilla is piped into the streets in reference to the delicious smell bakery’s and confectionaries produced in the warm summer months.
40. While being the happiest place on earth Disney World can also be the busiest, park estimates show that each year approximately 48 million people visit all four parks on the Walt Disney World Resort campus.
How many did you know? Was there any that we missed? Reply in the comments and share with friends and family! And remember, Have a Magical Day!