There are oh so many things that make college a wonderful experience overall. Of course with good things we must also expect the crappy stuff too. Here's a collective list of the not-so-great things about college.
1. Knowing you'll lose your parking spot forever if you have to go somewhere
Even if you're only leaving for a few minutes, someone is bound to swoop in and take your spot. If you leave your spot, it's rarely ever there when you get back so be prepared to spend 20 minutes trying to find another one.
2. Fulfilling a three hour fine arts credit
Diverse education, blah, blah, blah. But why am I taking these classes and paying for them?
3. Thinking you have food in your fridge for lunch but realizing you ate it after going out last night
Oh those frozen pizzas you had? Yeah those disappeared at 2 a.m.
4. When someone takes your laundry out before it's dry
Humans have a sense that allows them to distinguish between wet and dry. But for some reason so many mix up the two total opposites with other people's clothes but not their own.
5. Waking up for an 8 a.m.
6. When someone steals your study/sleeping bean bag in the library
The one place you can actually get things done and someone trespasses into your corner or table. So much for that productive night you intended to have.
7. Missing meal trade by minutes
Some days you'll crave the commercial food chains your school has and you'll plan to eat there when they open for dinner. But oversleeping or watching an extra episode of your Netflix show could cause you to lose track of time. It's a calamity when all the food places are closed and you haven't had dinner.
8. Wanting to be naked after a shower but your roommate is in your dorm
Sometimes you just need your time. And there's nothing that makes you feel more at home than being able to strip it down. But most of the time, you've got to change with one hand holding up your towel.
9. When you want to go to bed but your GroupMe doesn't
Being able to talk to your friends and keep in the loop rocks. But sometimes conversations never end. You could hit 'do not disturb' but imagine how much you'll miss out on. It's either lose sleep or miss out on what's happening. Lose, lose.
10. Walking up stairs/hills
11. When you lend someone a scantron and they never reimburse you
I paid 25 cents for that. You owe me.
12. Running out of flex dollars
It's so nice to be able to buy three bags of chips and milkshakes every day until you realize you still have a month and a half of school left and no more flex.
13. Coming back from Spring Break
That week long break mid March is a teaser that makes you think of how close summer is. Nobody is focused when they come back and everyone still has ten more pictures to post on Instagram. We have to meet back up with our friends and remember what class actually is. It's really a trying time.
14. Having three different teachers that schedule three different tests on the same day
15. Wearing shoes to shower
It's whatever it takes to keep those diseases off your feet but you don't realize how much it stinks to shower in shoes until you go home then have to go back to community-style living.
16. Game day traffic
Seriously don't expect do anything other than walk when there's a football, basketball, or any big sporting event on campus. You will regret it if you get in a car.
17. Forgetting something after you just climbed into your lofted bed
It's like being stranded when you're 8 feet off the ground. If you forgot your snack, pencil, or pillow it takes hours to decide to get off the bed and get it. Same thing if you drop something.
18. Being away from your pets
You miss your doggies and kitties so terribly at school. Honestly they are a big reason we are so excited to go home on breaks or weekends.
19. Thursday nights
If you're the one with a function on Thursdays, then this day of the week is the one you look forward to most. But if you're the one with two tests early on Friday, studying in the chaos of your dorm is basically impossible.
20. Slow walkers in crowded places
Goodness gracious can we pick up the pace I have a class I don't like that I need to get to.
21. People that don't stop at crosswalks
I mean sure we all say we'd take a hit from a bus to get free tuition but we aren't risking it. But really near death experiences are a daily occurrence.
22. When you tell someone who's not in college that you're stressed and they say it'll be fine
23. The days where you panic over the money you have to pay to get an education, to eat, to walk, to live, to breathe
It all just hits you sometimes out of nowhere. The concept of money and how much of it you don't have is rather overwhelming.
24. Forgetting you had online homework
It's out of sight and out of mind. Even though we're on the Internet more often than not.
25. Remembering how to make friends
It's really back to Kindergarten. How do you find people and teach them to like you? It's seriously the hardest thing and I don't know how we learned to do it so young.
26. Monday mornings
After a weekend of festivities or studying, I dare you to wake up in good spirits bright and early on a Monday. And really, the day drags on worse than any other.
27. Having bestfriends or a boy/girlfriend at another college far, far away
Long distance, man. What can you do.
28. When it randomly rains and you weren't prepared
That raincoat and matching set of rain boots are so cute. But they're of no use when they're nice and dry in your dorm because the Weather app did you dirty.
29. When your phone dies in the middle of the day and you forgot your charger
Phones just don't hold a battery throughout an entire day anymore and really there is no worse thing to forget in the morning than your charger. That loss of communication from time of death to when you reach your dorm is absolutely detrimental.
30. People who don't flush the toilet in the dorms
I'm sorry what makes you think that's okay? Ya lil nasty.
31. Realizing the onset of the Freshman 15 when you step on a grate
Those darn metal things in the middle of the sidewalk. Why must you so loudly acknowledge love handles as we step on you?
32. Being a DD
Before the night begins, everyone loves you for volunteering to be mom or dad for the night. But when the night is over, you will have driven to three different fast food restaurants and hate all your friends.
33. When your school doesn't make the NCAA tournament and you have to pick another team to root for
It's crappy being a traitor during March Madness. All you can hope is that maybe we'll make it next year...
34. Checking your mailbox but nothing's in it
Come on family. All I'm asking for is a cute card. Or maybe cash. Or preferably a food package.
35. Living in a dorm next to construction
Prepare to wake up well before your alarm to excessive pounding and the beeping of bulldozers. While you're sure that building will add great value to the campus, it definitely will be your least favorite place while it's in the works.
36. Finding out that you got a bad grade
After all that time in the library there is no worse pain than failure.
37. Motivating yourself to leave your bed to go get food
Sleep and food are your top two priorities. But when one conflicts with the other, you're faced with the ultimate dilemma.
38. When the dorm staff unplugs your fridge over break and your Pizza Rolls go bad
A warning would've been nice before you spoiled my $15 Walmart run.
39. Getting to class and your teacher decides not to have clicker questions that day
Literally the one day you wake up on time, your teacher isn't feeling it. Getting up to that alarm and walking all the way there wasn't even worth it. Absolute worst.
40. Leaving the friends you did make at the end of each semester
Aw so nice that you interacted with some guys and gals at college. But hey, here's a couple months to figure out what to do without them.
Sure these things aren't all that great, but really I think any college student will tell you that the pros outweigh the cons. Embrace the crappy because more good is to come. Go college!