Graduating from high school is very bittersweet. Even though you are probably beyond thankful to be done with that place, deep down you know that major changes will soon be happening. Soon you will be saying goodbye to your friends as you all go your separate ways. Some of you will go to college in your hometown, some of you will go to college in another state, some of you will go ahead and enter the workforce, and some of you will join the military.
After I graduated from high school I went to the University of North Georgia, my friends all went to different schools, both in the state of Georgia and outside of the state. I even had a couple of friends leave the United States for college. Thankfully I have been able to stay in touch with many of my friends even though we are all spread out across the world. Technology has made it so that I can talk to them whenever I want wherever I want through being able to text them, call the and connect with them on social media. If you are a high school senior who is scared about losing contact with your close friends from high school then here are some tips for you.
1. Try to text them at least once a week
Like with all human relationships, communication is key. Even though texting is not the greatest way to have a conversation with someone, it is a great way to talk when you have a lot going on and just want to catch up for a few minutes.
2. Try to call them occasionally
Even though texting is easier, calling is more personal. When you are having a bad day sometimes just getting to hear your best friend's voice can make it so much better. By talking on the phone you also remove the risk of messages being misread over text.
3. Make plans for breaks
Most colleges have a summer break, a spring break, and a winter break. More than likely your school's summer and winter breaks will match up with some of your friends' summer and winter breaks. Go ahead and make plans early so that the excitement of getting to see your friends can motivate you to get through finals week.
4. Send them random letters
One of the best ways to make someone's day is to show them that you care about them. One way to do this is to send them a letter to show them that you are thinking about them, and that you want to encourage them in all that they do. In this day and age receiving a personal letter seems to be a lot more sentimental than receiving a text.
Long-distance friendships might seem difficult but they can be done. You and your friend just have to agree to communicate often, even if that just means sending a quick text that says "how was your week?" You never know when your friend might be having a difficult day at school and is in need of some encouragement from their high school best friend.