A couple of days ago I saw someone post on social media about how we shouldn't be taking our climate for granted and how we should stop abusing our planet and start taking action. I, being the person that I am, sparked a conversation with her.
As we spoke, I realized that though she's fairly worried about climate change and our environment she's not helping in any way. That's when I realized something: many people have the same thoughts but they don't practice what they preach. These same people think it's hard to implement ways that can help our environment in their daily lives.
So I've decided to give you 4 easy things to change in your everyday life that can help our planet get one step closer to getting better.
1. Use Less Water
One of the ways to save more water is timing yourself when you take a shower. Don't take your usual long showers, put a timer on your phone and when time's up, turn off the faucet and dry yourself.
Also, if you are like me and you have crazy thick hair, turn off the water while you shampoo and conditioning your hair. This will save extra water by not letting it run when you're not really using it, and same goes when you're washing the rest of your body.
You can also wash your face in the shower as well. Not only does that sound like a good idea but it can also decrease your water bill. According to Care2 the average American household uses 400 gallons of water.
2. Recycle & Use Biodegradables
Biodegradable: capable of being decomposed by bacteria or other organisms.
Recycle: convert (waste) into reusable material
When shopping for products look for items that are environmentally friendly-meaning it's easy to break down and won't harm our environment. Not sure what is biodegradable? Here are some examples thanks to the Environmental & Recycling Industry Center. Human or animal waste, leaves, grass clippings, paper, food waste, plant products, wood, and/or remains from any living creatures.
So, stay away from glass, plastics, metals as much as possible. If you have these then make sure you don't throw them away, either put them in the recycling bin or make something out of it. Pinterest can help you get some good ideas on how to DIY reusable items. Not only will you get a cool creation but our animals and our planet with thank you.
3. Conserve Energy
According to Postconsumers, "America makes up about five percent of the global population but it uses a whopping 26% of all of the global energy."
Many people assume that saving energy mean saving more money but really it's so much more than just that. Fossil fuels like oil and coal are one of the main contributors to producing more pollution and greenhouse gases.
So by learning how to conserve energy we can help lessen pollution and greenhouse gases. Global warming is very much real and I know that you all feel our summers getting hotter and hotter every year; that's because greenhouse gases trap the heat which makes temperatures rise.
Some ways you can minimize this is by turning off the lights that you aren't using. Purchase compact fluorescent light bulbs and replace every single one in your home. When washing your clothes use cold water; when you use the heater for hot water it pulls a lot more energy just to warm your clothes.
When you are cooking try to use the microwave or a pressure cooker. One last way to conserve energy is to unplug all of your appliances such as microwaves, toasters, blenders, and coffee makers and all electronics such as chargers and televisions. Basically leaving thing unplugged that you can easily plug back in is a way to conserve more energy.
These are all simple ways to help impact our environment in a positive way, little by little, every day. It's not hard, I promise. Baby steps go a long way towards a greater impact on our planet.