Everyone has bad days, weeks, etc. No matter what it is you are going through, it is important to stay positive and find ways to make yourself feel better. Although there are many things that can put us down and kill our moods, here are a few ways to help turn that frown upside down.
1) Focus on the good
Once we are in a bad mood, it can be easy to get caught up in a long list of things that are going wrong. While this is very easy to do, challenge yourself to instead focus on the good things. Say you woke up and immediately stubbed your toe, stepped in a puddle and wet your socks, and there was nothing good for dinner in the caf. While this series of events is sure to put a damper on the day, why not focus on some of the good things that happened that day. Perhaps you aced a test, hugged a friend, or had a good talk with a loved one. If you still can't find anything particularly good that happened that day, just remember that it could be worse and you are lucky that you were able to have another day at all.
2) Do something good for someone else
Something that always puts a smile on my face is seeing that I have done the same for another person. Maybe surprise your friend with a coffee or tea, text a friend or family member to check up on them and let them know you thought of them, hold the door for a stranger. Doing something for someone else that would make you feel good is always a good idea. People like to be treated well and would probably appreciate the same things that you do. So why not put a little good karma out there, and maybe it will be returned to you in some other way shape or form.
3) Do something you enjoy
A few things I have always enjoyed include dancing, singing, and photography. It is essential to take time to yourself to do more of what you love. For example, I could go for a walk and bring my camera to take pictures along the way. Go for a drive and blast some music, go to the gym, or go to the library and be productive; regardless of what you do make sure that you give yourself the opportunity to blow off some steam and create a positive outcome.
4) Surround yourself with positivity
It is hard to thrive in a space where you are uncomfortable. If you feel like you are bored and need a change, reorganizing your room or even just your desk can do the trick to get you out of a funk. Writing down motivational quotes, hanging pictures, and listening to feel good music always does the trick for me. Stop dealing with the toxicity around you if you can control it. You are the one that chooses happiness, so if you choose to surround yourself with miserable people chances are you will choose to be just as miserable. Breaking out of this bubble can allow you to make choices in order to be happy, and spread positivity to those around you.