4 Ways Investing In Houseplants Can Help You | The Odyssey Online
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4 Ways Investing In Houseplants Can Help You

They aren't just a pretty piece of decor... but, hold much more!

4 Ways Investing In Houseplants Can Help You

There are a myriad of benefits that come with owning houseplants. They don't merely act as a pass-time hobby or a lovely decoration; but, instead are an ancillary agent. Houseplants have a plethora of "super-powers" which enable them to help you. Below, I go over 4 of my favorite assets that houseplants hold and include a few suggestions for prime winter-time house plants.

1.We Are Partners

Plants and people naturally coincide. This is due to our green friends’ ability to thrive off of the air we exhale. When we release a breath, we emit carbon dioxide. Plants flourish from this! Through the process of photosynthesis, plants take in carbon dioxide from the air and discharge their newly-formed oxygen. Thus, people and plants essentially breathe in opposite cycles. This creates a fantastic relationship because we feed each other–in turn, we help each other. This is a great reason to talk to your plants, don’t worry, I won’t judge you!

2.They Produce Cleaner Air

Plants do not only create new air for their caretakers. They also purify the air surrounding them. NASA conducted a study, which proposed that plants remove, “up to 87 percent of volatile organic compounds [from their immediate atmosphere] every 24 hours” (http://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa.gov/19930073077.pdf). This is astounding knowledge considering that some of the most prevalent volatile organic compounds include: formaldehyde, benzene, and trichloroethylene. These carcinogens are found in rugs, vinyl, cigarette smoke, man-made fibers, inks, solvents, paint, grocery bags, and printed paper. All of the products that can easily find their way into a household. YUCK!

3.They Regulate Sleep

It is commonly known that certain herbal teas can help to aide one in the process of falling asleep. These nighttime teas are often composed of Chamomile, Jasmine, or Lavender. However, plants don’t only assist us upon their ingestion. Having these common houseplants (Jasmine, Lavender, Aloe-Vera or Gardenia) placed in one’s sleeping quarters have been proven to aid in a smoother transition into sleep. It isn’t quite magic that allows these plants to do so; rather, the scent they have has a soothing effect on the body and mind. This helps to lower one’s blood pressure, heart rate, and levels of stress and anxiety.

4.They Can Help Combat Colds

This one is quite the super-power for plants; as, indoor plants are most rampant when outdoor gardens are unavailable–when it is too cold outside for their survival. During this cold and treacherous season, known as Winter, is when we could most use the help of a cold-fighting superhero. Here’s how indoor plants will save you: an increase in humidity. Plants liberate approximately 97 percent of the water they take in (http://www.mcdonnellnursery.com/html/indoor_plants.html). But, how does this help to fight off your pesky winter cough and runny nose? Well, viruses thrive in dry conditions. Dry air dries the mucous membranes, which can lead to a stuffy nose and scratchy throat (Mayo Clinic). Doctors will often recommend implementing the use of a humidifier into one’s daily routine. But, plants have the same positive effects in a more eco-friendly manner. Plants don’t run on electricity.

Below, I have included a list of some easy-to-maintain indoor plants for the approaching Winter season. Keep calm and garden on!

  • Boston Fern
    • Requires: Indirect sunlight
  • Pothos
    • Requires: Moderate to low light
  • Peace Lily
    • Requires: Moderate to low light
  • Snake Plant
    • Requires: Moderate to low light
    • This plant uniquely converts Carbon Dioxide to Oxygen 24/7... most plants take the night to rest.
  • Philodendren
    • Requires: Indirect sunlight
  • Chinese Evergreen
    • Requires: Indirect sunlight
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