If we could fly
What would I want tomorrow? A device in my pocket, or even within me, that could make me float, fly, soar!
How would it work? I don’t know. It could fuck with the gravity around me to make me detach from the pull of the earth’s core that we’re all currently bound to. It could be some jets attached to my shoes, or onto the sleeves of my self-drying jacket that fire whenever I want. That might take a bit of practice getting the hang of, though.
Either way, if there’s a future where technology allows people to fly around - in whatever way - some Mark Zuckerberg of real shit allows, then I’m in.
Having super strength
Maybe there will come a time where exo-suits become sleek enough to be worn like a long-sleeve jumper.
These exo-suits could allow us to do some awesome things. From boosting the incredible feats of human potential, like the caber toss, to enabling practical elements of society to run more smoothly, like clearing rubble from damaged sites and saving those beneath, these strength-enhancing exo-suits could make life pretty damn amazing. Obviously, like all tools, people would use them dangerously. However, like all tools, we could learn to assimilate this new technology into our way of life over the course of time and reach new limits. From the way we are policed to the way our homes are robbed, life would be different. There would be a lot more walls smashing and people doing epic shit.
All it needs is one word. The possibilities would be incredible. The power to teleport would demolish the need to endure 15-hour flights with crying children sitting next to you on EasyJet flights that don’t even include free meals. The danger of passing through dangerous territories, be they bad neighborhoods or mine-infested fields of a leftover no-man’s-land, would cease to exist. We could just zap straight through the air and spark back into existence directly at our desired location.
A real-time Rosetta Stone
Right now we can speak into our phones and they can repeat what we said to them in a robotic voice. They can even respond to us with Google searches and other vaguely witty responses about sex (because let’s face it that’s all you use Siri for).
Incredibly, that phone can hear what you say and reconstruct your intended meaning (which lies mysteriously beyond the language you use to capture it) into a completely different language, allowing you to speak to people you would never have been able to before this technology existed.
However, your phone isn’t that great at it yet. Misunderstandings and oddly literal translations are often experienced when trying to use Google translate as the multi-lingual middle man in a conversation.
But, what if this technology was perfected? No matter what language you spoke, the aid of this device could allow you to understand anybody. The idea of a global language would fade into the use of a tool that could do all the hard work for you.