First off, you may be wondering why having a high metabolism is a good thing besides the weight loss aspect. A high metabolism not only makes weight loss easier because it rids your body of toxins, but also improves your blood circulation, makes skin appear younger, helps boost your immunity, betters your mood, and increase the amount of energy you have. A high metabolism isn't just something one is born with either. You can boost your own this summer to unsure you have the best summer ever. Here are several ways you can boost your metabolism:
1. Eat Breakfast
We hear it all the time "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day", but it's actually vital to your metabolism because it gives it the kick start it needs to start burning calories throughout the day. You really shouldn't be skipping meals to begin with; but if you do, breakfast should not be the one.
2. Stop dieting
Not saying all diets are bad, but you definitely should be paying attention to how many calories you're consuming. If you are not eating enough calories per day, your body goes into a state known as "starvation mode". This state slows down your fat-burning abilities and muscle growth. Not eating enough per day can increase cravings and you will feel the need to reach for a snack more often.
3. Caffeine is your friend
Caffeine is found in coffee and tea. Green tea is a great and healthy way to get that extra boost in your metabolism.
4. Sleep
Making sure your body is getting the recommended 8-10 hours each night can help reset your body and give it the extra drive for the upcoming day.