1. A Video For Those Who Just Really Love Dogs
Let's be honest, who doesn't love dogs? One of the best ways to destress is to laugh, and laughing at some adorable dogs is even better.
2. A Thread of Funny Vines To Make Your Study Break A Little Better
Although Vine may no longer be around, all of our favorite Vines can still be found on Twitter. Here is 162 of the best to make you laugh while you procrastinate studying.
3. A Compilation For Those Who Love The Office
Michael Scott is clearly the best boss in the world. Taking a break to laugh at his words of wisdom may be just the motivation needed to do well on finals so you can eventually work at a job as cool as Dunder Mifflin.
4. For Those Who Just Need Some Motivation
"If you've got a dream, protect it...If you want something, go get it. Period."