Nobody likes being out of shape. Moving back to college can often result in a slight weight gain due to many different factors. Eating healthy with a diet including fruits and vegetables as well as exercising daily are not often associated with college students. However, this does not have to be the case. With these minor changes to your lifestyle, you will be able to live healthier throughout this coming school year.
1. Exercise for 30 minutes daily.
Cardio or weight lifting will do the job well. Being able to build muscle and maintain or lose weight will come from exercising daily. Whether it's a three-mile run around the track or an upper body routine, exercise will help you stay fit throughout the semester. Going to the campus recreation center will be important to your success as it is easy to find a fun workout to do. You can run on the treadmill or play basketball on the indoor courts. The key is to make sure to stay active for 30 minutes.
2. Get a step counter.
Get a Fitbit to be able to track your progress easily. Stay active by making sure you go to class. Even though you might not be listening or paying attention, the walk there and back will make a difference for your overall health.
3. Play intramural sports.
This is a great way to get active as well as socialize. There are plenty of sports teams to join. There are the classics such as basketball and football. However, intramural also has unique sports such as table tennis and ultimate frisbee, which allow many different sports enthusiasts to play. Just get a group of friends together and commit to one night a week to play the sport of your choice.
4. Eat at least two servings of fruits and vegetables a day.
When at the dining hall, pick up an apple or a banana to go with your lunch instead of choosing a cookie or french fries. Add a salad for dinner and be excited to see a difference in your overall health and satisfaction. It's sometimes difficult to have control and pick a healthy alternative. However, I recommend keeping fruits or vegetables in your apartment or dorm to make this task easier each day.
Following these few steps will help you live a healthier life on campus. Your mood will increase and these changes will have a meaningful impact on your grades as well. While your peers will be experiencing the symptoms of the freshman 15, you will be relaxing at the pool proud of what you look like and how you feel.