As summer unfolds, I have been watching more and more Netflix by the minute (as will every college student who is out of school for the next three months). And as I watch Parenthood (yeah, I know I'm late to the game), I cannot help but think how this family is almost exactly like mine.
Every situation is so real, and the way the characters handle their business is like just any family would. This show will make you laugh, cry, re-think your life choices, and question who you are as a person. Here are a few times Parenthood was just like your family.
1. Julia and Joel tell their kids they are getting divorced. This moment stood out to me the most because of my parent's divorce. I was devastated when my parents told me the news, so the way Sydney and Victor react is almost too real to be a TV show. Their feelings hit a little too close to home.
2. The heart-to-hearts. There are many heart-to-hearts throughout each episode and season, so pinpointing one is a little excessive. However, each one that happens is so deep and heartfelt because of the unconditional love for the other character. You see this early on in the show when Sarah and Amber have a talk about how Amber's tough exterior is a façade to others, but Sarah can see right through it.
3. The family drama. Oh boy, isn't this what the show is all about? Every situation that happens is probably something your family has gone through, or might go through in the future. The four Braverman siblings all remind me of my aunts and uncles because of their similar ups and downs. The way they all interact perfectly depicts my family gatherings, especially the different scenes of them dancing together.
4. Bringing a boy home for the first time. When Haddie brought over Alex to meet her parents for the first time, I had flashbacks. This is such an awkward time for teenagers to go through because it's a time for you to show your parents that you are mature enough to start dating. So every little thing your boyfriend or girlfriend says has to be perfect, and when it's not, you cringe because you don't want your parents to not like them -- which is exactly what happened when Alex told his childhood story to the Bravermans during dinner. At least he was being honest, right?
These, and many more scenes, are the reasons why I love Parenthood. It is a show that takes real life situations and turns them into real life TV show scenarios. If you are someone who wants to binge watch a TV show on Netflix, I highly recommend this one.