With the start of the semester comes both a panic and a relief. The thing about college is that, as nice as it is to have time off to relax and focus on something other than schoolwork, the dread that comes with returning to school is absent. Okay, maybe the thought of a stressful semester is overwhelmingly daunting, but there's still some excitement that surrounds finally getting out of the house or getting to take that class that you're really excited about. Regardless of how you feel about a new semester though, you're 100% susceptible to a few passing thoughts that every student encounters in the first few weeks.
1. Help
A.k.a. "oh my god what's going on, why is everything happening so much?" The sudden rush of assignments and readings and classes is the weirdest feeling in the world. If you were to get attacked suddenly by a giant, never-ending swarm of birds that were set on beating you with large textbooks, you'd be well familiar with what it feels like to be a student just starting their semester.
2. Were there always this many assignments?
You've tried so hard to block out the trauma of your last semester but at this point, surrounded by two essays and reading assignments for all your classes, you broad over whether your professors were this crazy last semester or whether this semester's professors are specifically and intentionally out for your blood.
3. This isn't so bad...
A less frequent thought that will visit you when you have finally acquired a whole hour of free time. You're totally chill and have already finished all assignments due within the next two days because you're just that good. You can't even remember why you were freaking out before- this semester will be a breeze. (You sit on a throne of lies.)
4. This semester will be different!
Either you are one of the idealistic fools who thinks that this semester, you'll do all your readings and keep strict track of your assignments so that you don't have to play catch-up; or, you are the fool who has already made peace with their fate and are now watching these optimists with mild amusement. Whichever you are, you are screwed.