1. I Actually Listened To The Advice You Gave Me
You may have thought your countless lectures and dinner conversations went in one ear and out the other but I learned a lot from you. At the time, I may rolled my eyes and let out an annoyed sigh; however, as I am becoming more and more independent, I find myself living by the advice that you gave me years ago during hour-long lectures on the way to school. I never thought I would admit it, and it still pains me to say, but you were right. About everything.
2. I Am Very Thankful For Everything You Have Done For Me
I never realized and still don’t know, everything that you have sacrificed and done for me. I was so blessed that you worked hard to put me through twelve years of private school and sending me to an amazing university. Until recently, I never really thought about the time, money, and effort you put into raising my siblings and I and, wow, I admire you now more than ever. You easily could have said "no" when I picked the most expensive hobby (all my fellow competitive dancers know what I’m sayin’), but you continued paying for it for almost 15 years, and then let me give up dance, even after all of the time and money you gave to that hobby. Looking back, I almost feel bad you had to raise me... damn. Thanks, guys.
3. Thank You For Being Strict
I may have resented you for having to come inside when the street lights came on or when my curfew in high school was two hours earlier than all my other friends. However, I am so much more grateful now than I ever thought I would be. Trust me, you weren’t the strictest. But the rules and behaviors you have taught me have shaped me into an independent, loving young woman. The things that you taught me, even at a young age, will stay with me forever, and I hope that they will help me to be just as good of a parent as you were to me. The rules you raised me by have led me to be able to make myself go home at one instead of three in the morning with the rest of my friends, forced me to stay in to finish my homework on a Thursday night and to work hard to perfect every assignment, project, exam and relationship that is a part of my life.
4. I Do Miss You, A Lot
Yeah, everyone misses their parents’ cooking and not having to do their own laundry, but those things seem so trivial to me. I miss waking up on Saturday mornings and walking downstairs to Dad sitting on his chair in the living room reading the newspaper and, looking over the top of the paper, saying, "There’s a Coke for you in the fridge." I miss coming home after school from a (usually sassy) note on the counter from Mom saying "Clean your room. The cleaning lady is coming tomorrow," or "Seriously?! A C+ in English?!" It is the little things like these I miss about home, not the cooking or laundry-doing of my mom (although I do like it, so please don’t stop). I miss the car jam sessions and air band performances that Dad and I had on the way to the city or the heart-to-hearts Mom and I had on our way to the mall on a rainy Wednesday morning. Thank you for making yourselves so easy to miss.
You will always be my parents (sorry). Even though I don’t say it often, I do love you—more than I love ice cream, dancing, and hanging out with my friends. You guys got me to where I am today and, even though I may not have been planned (LOL), I am so grateful that I was given you as my parents. Thanks for making me cool and fun.
Your Youngest (& Coolest) Daughter