We all struggle in college. We all struggle through the stress, the piles of homework, the occasional bad grade, the constant tiredness, and the moments where we just want to quit and go home. We cry, we laugh, we yell, we smile and college can once in awhile be just an up and down roller coaster. Through it all, you push through and persevere, you make it through alive. Yet when you are having a bad week and everything keeps landing on top of you, there are a few things you should keep in mind to help get you through the treacherous week;
1.You have your friends.
When at school your friends can sometimes take the roll of your family. They are all you have while you are away and while sometimes a phone call to mom and dad can make you feel better, having your friends there to support you and be a shoulder to lean on is always a positive. Your friends pick you up when you’re down and are the ones to make everlasting memories with you. They are there for 2am pizza orders, late night movie nights, and nights out with laughs to last a lifetime. Don’t ever forget to go to your friends when you are having a bad week because they are all you have at college and they will be there when you need it.
2. It is only 4 years.
4 years goes by in the blink of an eye. While you are struggling right now, one day you will wake up and it will be time to put on your cap and gown and walk away from it all. You will receive your diploma and in that moment realize why it was all worth it. All the late night study sessions and all your hard work had paid off. You won’t wake up in a room next to your roommate anymore, won’t see your friends every day, and won’t ever get the chance to turn back the clock and do it all over. So no matter what you are going through now remember it is only 4 years of your life, but one of the best times of your life, so do not waste the time you are given and make the best of every single moment.
3. You are only human.
You cannot do everything yourself. You may have a huge list of things you want to achieve but in reality there is only so much time in one day and you are only human. It is okay to be frustrated or cry but it is also okay to ask for help when you need it. Sometimes the tasks of life get too much to handle and you cannot do it all. Just remember to remind yourself that you are only human and you cannot be perfect and do everything correct all the time. You will mess up and fall sometimes but as long as you pick yourself up and dust yourself off and learn from your mistakes, you will be okay.
4. It will always get better.
No, really, I promise it will get better. I promise no matter what you are dealing with right now, it will pass. No matter how big the burden, no matter how big the problem, life will take its course and things will work out how they are supposed to. Keep in mind to that some things are completely out of your control and everything happens for a reason and everything will land how it is supposed to. Keep your head held high, a good heart, and a positive mind and everything will turn out okay in the end.