Self-love is a lifelong process. You can be thrown off track by the smallest comment or failed attempt at anything. Accepting yourself for who you are can be hard enough. Going as far as loving yourself takes a lot of work. Like anything in life that you have to work at, it is nice to remind yourself that it may be hard, but it will most definitely be worth it. Here is what you should try to remember on your journey to self-love.
1. Self-love is not synonymous with conceit.
There is a difference between loving yourself and being full of yourself. People who are full of themselves care only about themselves. They step on others to make themselves feel better and to get where they need to be. Conceited people are often concerned only with what is on the surface rather than substance. People who love themselves (like I promise you will one day) care about themselves and the people around them. They don’t need to bring others down to keep their own confidence up. You can love yourself without being a narcissist. You will find self-love. And anyone who thinks you are full of yourself for loving yourself clearly needs to start their own journey to self-love.
2. “You can’t love anyone until you love yourself” is a false statement.
Being good to others and random acts of kindness are easy ways to make yourself feel good, as well as the people around you. You can love others, even if you aren’t your own biggest fan just yet. Love everyone and everything as passionately as you can. You are bound to receive the same love you give to others. And you don’t have to be in a relationship to be in love. Be in love with your environment and your family and friends. Be in love with learning. Be in love with traveling and meeting new people. Be in love with life. Have faith that the universe or whatever higher power you believe in will see to it that the love you give is returned to you.
3. Your flaws are not reasons to resist loving yourself.
Think of the most successful person you know. Think of someone you find perfect and look up to. If you were to ask them, they could go on and on about the flaws they have and qualities they don’t like about themselves. Having flaws, making mistakes, and having regrets are all part of being alive. We all say things we can’t take back and our actions cannot be undone. In order to love yourself, you have to learn to love the mistakes you’ve made because they have taught you lessons and made you who you are. You must learn to love your flaws, which, in reality, are not flaws at all. Every quality of your being is what makes you beautifully unique. Don’t try to fix everything you don’t like about yourself to fit in. Flaws and mistakes and faults don’t make you a bad person. They make you human.
4. You are worth it.
This doesn't require much explanation. You are a living, breathing human. You are important to the world and to others. You are loved. Sometimes loving yourself is hard, but you are worth it.