All writers have at some time or another suffered from writer's block. You know the feeling. You have just settled down at your desk, laptop open, ready to write that epic novel that you've been putting off to binge watch Netflixinstead. You're pumped to start writing again! You open the Word document and that's when it hits you: you have absolutely no idea what to write about. You try to start typing, or, for those of us who prefer the good old fashioned way, writing, only to realize that your brain is spazzing out. Staring at the blank page, you begin to feel hopeless. You just had a great idea five minutes ago and now it's flown out of your head. Fear not: this happens to all writers at some point in their careers.
Having writer's block is never fun, but there are a few ways that you can get the flow of ideas back up and running:
1. Listen to music
If you suffer from writer's block, try popping in your earbuds and putting on some of your favorite tunes. Some may find this distracting, but it might motivate you and get you back into the groove of things. Try listening to classical music or jazz--it really has a knack for getting the brain flowing again.
2. Go for a walk
Not for too long, just a quick and brisk walk around the block. Who knows, maybe something around you may inspire you! Then return to your writing and try again.
3. Make an outline
What are the main points of what is happening in your story? Writing this out, particularly on paper so you can have it right near you for reference, works wonders.
4. Read a book
It's okay to take a break from your writing and come back to it later. Reading a book will distract you for a while, and might also subconsciously help you develop ideas for your own stories or book! Not that you should plagiarize from what you are reading, but maybe it'll inspire you.
Good luck!