Dealing with a hectic semester makes it difficult to find the time to plan for spring break while also juggling classes, internships and extracurricular activities. It seems nearly impossible. However, that doesn't mean that you can't find ways to make your break as productive and healthy like someone who had the time to actually plan.
1. Sleep
When was the last time you woke up and truly felt well-rested? Exactly. Use this time to catch up on your sleep. I don't mean sleep the break away, but I mean take advantage of the fact that you can sleep more than seven hours a night. You're going to thank yourself for this once classes begin again.
2. Exercise
It's hard to find time throughout the semester to go to the gym. When you're not studying, you want to hang out with your friends. Then when you finally find the time for gym, you prioritize getting some sleep over it. Now is your chance to wake up each morning and get some exercise. You'll feel healthier and livelier once the semester resumes.
3. Spend Time With Family
Whether you go to school away from home or dorm or spend most of your day commuting back and forth, I'm sure you miss quite a handful of family events. This is the time to spend with your family. Go out to eat. Shower those you love with the attention you aren't able to give throughout the busy semester.
4. Catch Up On Schoolwork
While I'm sure school is the last thing you want to be thinking about during your spring break, it really isn't the worst idea to start a few assignments early on. While you have the time, simply completing a few pages of whatever needs to be done every day would does the trick, especially considering you're going to be bombarded with work once you return. Take advantage of this time.
Use this break to feel like a human again. Fix the parts of yourself that need mending throughout the semester. Pull yourself together. Gather the energy you're going to need. Use this break to ensure that you'll be a healthier version of yourself for the remainder of the semester. Then, come back to class and finish the semester off the way you know you can.