1. Your journal is what you make of it
When my best friend and I caught wind of the bullet journaling movement, we went straight to the internet. We probably spent hours on there, finding ideas and inspiration from all these people who have whole websites devoted to showcasing their journal, and how they make use of it for their lives. Some were very elaborate, filled with calligraphy, complex layouts, and so much more than I could ever possibly hope to replicate. I quickly figured out I was not going to be one of those people. The beauty of a bullet journal is that you can literally make it whatever you want it to be. I did not have time, nor the inclination, to spend hours making beautiful setups for all of my pages, full of color and beautiful calligraphy. Mine ends up being a simple box layout for my weeks, with colored pens to differentiate between my classes and my homework. There are some attempts to make my handwriting look better, but I mostly use it to just jot down quick lists and homework and it works for me.
2. It is easy to forget about
I will admit, there are stretches of days where I completely forget about my journal. It sits in the bottom of my backpack mostly unused, and days remain blank when I should have written important things down. I know that it will still be there for me to pick back up when I have the time.