As a college freshman, I've learned a lot so far. I've learned so much about myself in general. I never thought that almost two semesters of college would completely change how I view myself and life. I'm lucky to have this experience and remotely be on a journey of self-discovery. But what better time to experience all of this than in college right? Here are four things that I've learned as a college freshman (so far).
1. It's Okay to Fail
Alright, so what I mean by this is that you're not going to be great at everything. Whether that's with relationships, friendships, a specific academic subject, etc. As human beings, it's impossible to be good at everything. So, if you fail at something. It's okay. This has been one of the biggest concepts that I had to grasp. I'm a perfectionist, so being able to understand and fully accept that I wasn't going to be successful at everything I do, was hard.
2. Be unapologetically yourself
When I first came to college, I thought that I had everything figured out. I thought that I knew exactly who I was as a person. But I was wrong. Within these almost two semesters, I've honestly grown and changed more than I ever have in my entire life. I know that there is still more room for growth and self-discovery but it's mind-blowing to compare who I was when I started college, to who I am now.
3. It's okay to feel
This was one of the most life-changing concepts that have helped me immensely. Before, I wasn't allowing myself to feel emotions that were, if I am being honest, keeping me up at night. Whether that was being homesick, a sense of being overwhelmed, stress, pressure, or anxiety. Whatever it was, I have learned to feel that emotion at that moment or even write about it because keeping it bottled-up inside was not helping at all.
4. Don't be afraid to Question
Ever since I've gotten to college, I've questioned a lot of things now that I think about it. I've questioned myself entirely, my sexuality, what I want to be career-wise, what makes me happy, etc. Questioning these things has helped me so much because I now am striving to be the best version of myself (not to say that I wasn't before). I'm now majoring in an area that I am incredibly passionate about and happy with who I am. I know there will be days where I won't be but there's always room for growth and long-term acceptance.
I don't want to make it seem that in my first year in college, that I have it all figured out. Because I don't. I know that I am going to have good and bad days but the good always outweighs the bad right? Being on a journey of self-acceptance and self-discovery has honestly been the most liberating feeling that I have ever experienced and I am looking forward to more growth within myself.