4 Things I Wish I Knew Before Losing Weight | The Odyssey Online
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4 Things I Wish I Knew Before Losing Weight

What I've learned about myself through this process.

4 Things I Wish I Knew Before Losing Weight
Meera Balasubramanian

I used to be obese. At my heaviest, I weighed in at 230 pounds. And let me be clear, there is nothing wrong with people who identify as fat and love their body. Everyone should. But while dressing in XXL sized clothing, I personally never felt comfortable in my body. I eventually realized that in order for me to be happy, I had to make a change for my physical and mental health. By eating clean and staying active over a period of months, I was able to lose over 62 pounds. I had a great time shopping for new clothes in stores I could finally fit into, but I noticed greater changes than my pants size. Here are some things I've learned from my weight loss.

1. We live in a shallow society.

Honestly, this one wasn’t a huge surprise. Just turn on the TV and you’ll be bombarded with the newest fad diet pill or exercise video guaranteed to make you ripped. The ideal body type as shown in mainstream media is something shoved down our throats on countless magazines, blogs, films, and ads. The emphasis on physical bodies in our society is something so ingrained we couldn't avoid it even if we tried. Even though we’ve all been told a thousand times that it’s what’s on the inside that counts, nobody seems to pay attention to you if you aren’t pretty or thin. Which is an awful thing that happens. But that doesn’t make it any less true.

2. People love physical beauty.

Thanks to our society, people are shallow as well. I can’t count the number of people from my past who’ve reached out to me now that I’ve lost weight, extending their congratulations or wanting to know my secrets. Although their intention is pure, I can’t help but feel like a spectacle. I do, however, greatly prefer them to the guys who have suddenly started paying attention to me now that I fit the societal definition of beauty a little better than before. Too many guys who once called me fat and ugly are now trying to reconnect. News flash, I’m the same girl you made fun of in middle and high school. You think I forgot that? You think I’m seriously going to pay attention to you now that you think I’m attractive? Nope, not a chance.

3. Food is mood.

This took so long for me to learn. How you eat really impacts how you feel. My family had been telling me this for months but I totally ignored it. But then, I kind of had to try it out and they were so right. It’s fine to feel sad, but food can’t be an escape from your sadness. The healthier I ate, the happier I felt.

4. Words are so powerful.

A lot of people believe that the best compliment is “You look so skinny!” or “You’re so pretty now!” Wording is so important. I’m the same person I was before, only now, I am happier and healthier. I was pretty before as well, but now my personality isn’t the only thing people can politely praise. I’m not trying to achieve this goal of thinness, as this is something I’ve learned is unreachable. I don’t want to be thin, I want to be strong. Although I have no control over how people speak to me, I have total control over how I react.

Losing weight isn’t easy. There are times when all I want to do is curl up in bed with two cartons of Ben & Jerry’s and never make eye contact with a treadmill again. I’ve learned a lot about myself through this process, the most important thing being that I can achieve anything if I believe in myself. It’s been a hard yet rewarding process for me, but I wouldn’t change it for all the ice cream in the world.

For refrence, I've attached a photo of my progress below.

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