Coming from a senior, I can tell you that throughout high school you will have so many different experiences, and whether you like it or not, things are going to change. So here's some advice I have for high school students:
1. Not caring isn't cool
What's the point of going to school if you aren't going to try? I don't know about you but the only reason I put up with 8 hour days, rude teachers, tons of homework, and lots of studying, is so eventually I can go off to college and make something great of myself. Not saying that you have to go to college to be someone great, but for me, college is the first step in pursuing my dreams. So don't think just because that boy in your 1st period is talking about how he never does his work and skips every day that that's the "cool" thing to do. Study hard, and get your job as a student done.
2. You will lose friends, but you will also gain some
Yes, it is inevitable. When you get into high school you will lose friends. Each of you will change; it can be your priorities and values, or quite frankly you may just stop liking each other. But the good news is you will also gain friends. Some of my best friends now are people that I didn't even meet until my sophomore year and I couldn't ask for better people to have in my life. So don't worry if you notice you and your middle school friend group drifting apart because I promise someone will come along that's more fit for the person you've grown into.
3. Don't keep negative people in your life
It sucks to let go of people you love, I know, but sometimes it's necessary. Whether it's a boyfriend/girlfriend or a friend, if they aren't treating you with the respect that you deserve then why keep them around? If the people you surround yourself with are constantly putting you down and making you feel self-conscious then why not let them go? Sometimes it can be scary to withdraw yourself from a group of friends that you've always been a part of. It can also be hard to find a new set of people to spend all your time with, so when your kind of in the middle of friend groups, use that time to truly find yourself and discover what type of person you want in your life. In the long run, removing people who spread negativity all the time from your life and finding some who radiate positivity, will bring you so much more happiness than sticking with the group that puts you down, just because that's what you're used to. Go out and find the people that make sure you know that you are loved and that encourage you to be the best version of yourself.
4. Don't forget who you are
Throughout high school rumors will be spread and drama will always be present. People aren't always going to like what you have to say, or what you're wearing, or what you choose to be a part of. People are going to talk bad about you (even some "friends") and you're going to get hurt. But in the midst of all of the chaos, the most important thing to remember and the best piece of advice I can give is don't forget who you are. People are going to talk no matter what you do so why not just be yourself? High school can become a lot harder if you lose who you are trying to impress someone else. Don't do something that you promised yourself you'd never do just because everyone else was doing it, and don't listen to anyone who tells you that you're stupid for doing something that you love.
So work hard, be open to meeting new people, don't be afraid to drift away from people, and as cliche as it sounds, stays true to who you are and you will be just fine.