I am a very passionate biology major. Like many biology majors, I love all things science. Some of those things make people uncomfortable and/or question their friendship with me. But that’s okay because science is so flippin’ cool. Here are some things that biology majors enjoy.
1. Critters
Biology majors love handling critters. Our class got to grow caterpillars and planaria flatworms together in the lab. Since I didn’t get to be in the lab this summer I have caught frogs, toads, bugs, turtles, and everything in between. I even helped save a chipmunk’s life. I love being in awe of every organism I encounter. It is something that biology majors have a special appreciation for.
2. Memes
Biology memes are the best. If you ever have a biologist friend who is having a bad day, just send them a science meme. Seriously, you will make their day a little better.
3. Science Toys
Ant farms, Sea Monkeys, chemistry kits, and carnivorous plant growing kits are just a few things that you can see a biology major freaking out over. You are never too young for science toys! I have gotten plenty of odd looks in the science kit aisle of Hobby Lobby (AKA heaven) for getting a little too excited about all the possibilities.
4. Dead things?
While I was visiting Charleston, South Carolina I came upon a local vendor that sold butterflies. No, not alive ones. It was a local farm that raised them, and when they passed away of natural causes the butterflies were arranged in frames. My family thought it was kind of weird, but I love it. As a biology major, we come to appreciate the beauty of organisms -- living and dead.