Last week Apple announced the new iPhone 7. The phone was revealed to have several new and exciting features, including water resistance and an improved camera. However, there is one new feature I just can’t wrap my head around. Apple has decided to get rid of the headphone jack.
Instead of the standard headphone slot, the new iPhone will give consumers an adapter that will allow you to plug the standard Lightning EarPods (the headphones with wires Apple had previously been using) into the charging port. They then give consumers the option of purchasing wireless Apple AirPods for an additional $159.
This new feature could lead to quite a few inconveniences. First of all, if you only have the normal EarPods you can no longer charge your phone and listen to music at the same time. It would also mean that there are more parts you have to worry about losing. Personally, I know that if I do splurge and buy the wireless AirPods, knowing myself, I’m definitely going to lose them at some point. Perhaps most pressing of all, I’m going to have to figure out a new way to show people I don’t want anyone talking to me if I no longer have my wired headphones to depend on.
I don’t know why Apple thought people would want this. My theory is that in order to make up for the lack of income they will face from people not having to replace their phones from water damage, they decided to add as many small, losable parts as possible so customers would have to pay to replace often.
There are many upgrades Apple could have added to the iPhone 7 that would have made more sense. Here are four examples.
Shatter-Proof Screen
If Apple can make a water-resistant phone, I’m pretty sure they can make a shatterproof screen. Shatterproof glass does already exist so this couldn’t be too difficult of a change. Cracking your phone screen is an extremely common problem and very expensive to fix. Developing a solution to this problem would make carrying a phone less stressful for clumsy people everywhere. However, I doubt Apple would ever do this, as they probably make a lot of money fixing phone screens and replacing phones with unfixable screens.
Longer Battery Life
The iPhone 7 did extend the battery life a bit in comparison to the iPhone 6 and 6s. It is expected to last an hour longer than the iPhone 6s and two hours longer than the iPhone 6. However, anyone who has used either of these models will tell you this still isn’t enough to get you through the day without charging your phone in most cases. In a world where people are almost constantly dependent on their phone, a battery that is made to last 24 hours would be ideal. I just want to be able to use my phone without having to charge it multiple times a day.
Get Rid of Read Receipts
This may be a somewhat more controversial entry, but Apple should eliminate read receipts altogether. I’m convinced that Apple's only purpose was to create drama. They can cause fights and damage relationships and friendships when you don’t respond immediately after reading a message. Receipts that simply say “delivered” already exist and are more than adequate in showing your message was sent. Many people just turn them off anyway. Apple would be contributing to a less drama-filled world if they did away with read receipts.
Delete Unwanted Apps
There are a few apps that are automatically included on an iPhone. Some of these are very useful, such the calculator and the clock apps. However, I don’t think I’ll ever use the stocks app, the wallet app, the health app or the compass app. As it is right now, they’re kind of just taking up space on my phone. It would be great if Apple would give consumers the option of deleting any of these apps they don’t want. They could always go back and re-download them if they changed their mind.