I have been back at school for almost two weeks now. In those two weeks I have spoken to countless freshmen, and they all ask me the same thing, "What advice do you have for us freshmen to get us through this first semester?" At first I was not completely sure what to answer with. I knew there was a lot that I learned my freshman year, but I just did not know how to answer at first, but now I know what to say.
If I was to make a list of advice for freshmen, these would be my top 4:
1. Do your homework the day you get it.
I will be the first to tell you that procrastination stinks. I always leave my homework to the last minute, but as my parents always told me, "Do as I say, not as I do." My advice is that even if you get weeks to complete it, finish it sooner rather than later! Plus your professor will be pretty impressed that you are on top of things, and you will impress yourself!
2. Have fun, but remember you are here for school.
I love spending my nights out with my friends, but I know my limit. There is nothing wrong with Taco Bell runs at one in the morning, but it is not the best idea to be out until one in the morning everyday, especially if you have to in class in the early morning. But if you are going to be out late, do it on a Friday or Saturday night. Remember to be safe and make good choices.
3. Do not focus on finding "The One."
I do not know about your school, but at my school everyone seems to be looking for "the one." There is nothing wrong with trying to find your person, but focusing on a relationship or trying to find a relationship takes away from not only your homework and school work time, but it also takes away from you trying to figure out who you are. Most of us come to college with little to no experience with living on our own away from the rules and direction of our parents, so college is a great way to try and figure out who you are on your own. So leave the spouse searching to at least second semester.
4. Lazy days are needed days.
Sometimes, especially when you are super stressed, all you need is to lay around and watch Netflix. Now do not take this as "I do not feel like going to class today, I just need a lazy day to watch Netflix and lay around." This is a weekend thing. After a long week, especially if it was a pretty crazy and stressful week, I like to spend my Saturday or Sunday being a dorm body. I lay around and watch TV or Netflix, and I will clean up my room a little bit.
Try your best in school, and enjoy your first semester!