As the beginning of the school year has started for many students across the country and sometimes we can all struggle with getting back into a learning mindset after all the summer fun. Here are some tips and suggestions that all students from their freshmen to senior year can all utilize this school year.
Always get to know your professor.
Although RateMyProfessor is a great site to know how your professors teach, the best way to be fully prepared and successful in a class is to build a relationship with your professor. Sometimes websites like RateMyProfessor can be filled with negative reviews from students who did not do so well in a class, making their opinions biased. Introduce yourself on the first day of class, express any concerns about the class you may have, and always keep an open line of communication with your teacher. Professors are more likely to be understanding and willing to assist you when they know who you are, compared to being just another number in the class.
This goes for freshmen who are enjoying the first sights of freedom and graduating seniors who have cases of senioritis, even if attendance is not necessary it is important to go to class. Yes, there are ways to get information even when you miss class, but it can be a lot of work. You risk losing out on viable information when you are getting information second hand compared to receiving it yourself. Remember you are paying for your classes, so it is better to get the most out of what you are paying for
Reform your study habits.
The way you studied for classes your senior year in high school should not be the same way you study for your classes during your third or fourth year in college. Find a good place to study, where you can focus and not be distracted. Preferably not your room because you'll want to relax, and not Starbucks because their locations are usually packed. Try different forms of note taking and remember that you can not study the same way for all of your classes. Whereas in history class you can take notes and make flashcards, in a math class, a more effective way to remember information may be redoing old homework so that you can memorize formulas and patterns
Take advantage of resources on campus, like a health clinic, career center or tutors.
Remember, there are a lot of resources that are there for you to take advantage of on campus that your tuition already pays for. Most campuses have a health center for all of your medical needs and many offer services like prescriptions and STD testing for free. Career centers can help you with placement not only for jobs on and off campus but also for internships and prepare you for post-graduation life. Even if you feel like you are doing well in a class, it never hurts to get extra help from a tutor. Surprisingly enough, there are a number of professors who give extra credit to students who go to tutors, so that should be an extra incentive to go!
Remember college is not a sprint, but it is a marathon. Establish and incorporate effective habits into your lifestyle so that you can always be prepared for what school might send your way.