The only time that I was the same size as everyone else was when I was in preschool because my classmates were the same size as me. When I entered into elementary school everyone started getting taller and I was still the same size. In middle school, everyone was going through the wonderful experience in life that we call puberty. Everyone was growing four inches or more each year. Me? I'm pretty sure I didn't grow that much. Most of my friends in high school were taller than 5'2. I was only 4'9. I have only grown an inch since high school and being short can be a struggle. Here are six struggles I face on a daily basis with being short, especially in college.
1. Grocery Shopping, aka "Climbing to the Mountaintop."
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Going grocery shopping is a struggle for me. There may be something that I may need, but of course, the store would put it on the highest shelf. That means I have to go into spider monkey mood to get the item that I want. Here's a piece of advice for anyone who is short and goes through this: Always take a tall friend. Whenever I can't reach what I need I always ask my roommate for help.
2. Walking to class or with my friends.
People who are tall usually take big strides when they walk. Me, on the other hand, I take smaller strides and have to channel my inner speedy Gonzalez ( the little mouse from "Looney Toons" with the sombrero) to be able to make it to class. When I'm trying to catch up with my friends, I try to take bigger strides which results in me looking like I'm trying to march in a marching band.
3. Trying to do laundry.
In the dorms, we have two dryers that sit on top of each other. I always try my best to use the bottom dryer but sadly that doesn't happen all the time. Anytime I use the top dryer it results in me getting in a chair, trying to put my laundry in the top dryer with the hope that I don't fall. When I use the washers, sometimes it may result in me sticking my whole upper body to get some of my clothes inside.
4. Taking group photos.
Taking a group picture for an organization can be boring sometimes because they will usually yell out, “Short people in the front!” Which will usually make it obvious that it is me. On the bright side, you will get to see my pretty face in the front row.
Even though there are parts about being short I don't like there are positives. It is easy for me to play hide and seek in the quad because I can fit into tight places. I blend in with the little kids when they come here for their tours and the teachers try to claim that I'm one of their students. My favorite positive is that I can get the kids meals at restaurants which is great because college students love cheap food.
Here is a little throwback of me being on vacation with my family. Of course with me being the shortest, I was stuck in the middle. The two people on each side of me are my cousins who I love dearly. This picture pretty much sums up our relationship.