Whether you are just starting your fitness journey or are hitting a wall in your healthy lifestyle, you may be experiencing a lack of motivation. Often, you start hot right out of the gate, then slowly lose stamina and cave when you are unable to put down the Oreos in aisle five.
Moderation and balance are two important keys to success in living a healthy lifestyle. But, sometimes you decide to celebrate with a well deserved cheat meal, which then becomes a cheat weekend, that turns into a cheat week, and you are left feeling defeated.
Listen, I get it. It’s easy to downward spiral after working so hard.You feel like all of your progress is gone, or you think you are not capable of following through. You are not allowed to quit here. You may have doubted yourself or slipped up, but those are not excuses to give up.
In case you are struggling with lighting the motivational fire in your fit little soul, think about these 4 statements:
1. I need.
Why do you need this? Think of your happiness. Why do you need this to improve your life? What do you need to do in order to reach the goals you set? I want you to think deeper than surface level here. Yes, physical appearance is always on this list in the fitness game, but think deeper. Why does your body need you to be fueled with healthier meals? What will a consistent gym routine fulfill? You know what you need, and you also know what you need to do to get there.
2. I want.
What made you want to make a change in the first place? What was the deciding factor that kicked your glutes into gear? Do you want to change it up and try personal training instead of working out on your own? Where do you want to see change the most? Write down a few wants, and see how they compare to your needs.
3. I can.
Before my grandpa passed away, he said these 8 words to me: “You can do anything you want to do.” This statement changed my perspective during life’s challenges. You CAN do this. You are going to have struggles. Everyone has those, no matter what stage of the journey they're in. You need to train your mind to overcome the struggles. Push yourself! Strengthen your will power. Doing the hard stuff is going to separate you from the average. Don’t feel like doing cardio today? Do it anyway. If you are physically capable, you can do it. Don't cheat yourself of progress.
4. I will.
I need you to do me a favor and believe in yourself. Set out on a mission, and do it! Stop making excuses. If there is a will, there is a way. You will get past the cravings. You will be comfortable in the weight room. Good things take time, and you need to continue to tell yourself you will. Nobody else can do it for you. If you don't you are capable, no one else will either. If you remind yourself you can achieve hard goals, then you will! Having faith in yourself is vital in staying motivated.
Before you exit out of this article, write down the 4 statements on post-it notes.
First, Jot down 3 things you want and 3 things youneed. Then, write 5 reasons why you can, and 5 reasons how you will achieve what you need and want. Post them on your bathroom mirror, or any place you will see them frequently.
Embrace your capability, and push yourself to beyond the limits you believe exist!