My day begins around 4:00 am, which is when i wake up for school. I leave my house around 5:45AM, and class starts at 6:30. School ends at 2:53 on regular days, and then twice a week I stay at school until 5:30 for cheer practice. Often times I also stay after school on Wednesdays for ASB workday's or meetings, for another two hours. On the weekends I have time to do homework, devote my time to volunteering or hobbies, and a short window for relaxing. My days are extremely long, longer than most grown adults in the real world. Yet, the part that seems to shock people the most is that I do it all withoutcoffee or naps.
(I also hate the taste of coffee, and don't believe in coffee. Coffee prevents you from being able to sleep, which in turn makes you needs coffee, which creates an addiction. Coffee is terrible for your health, and destroys enamel on your teeth. I have a moral objection to naps, and I believe that they are a waste of time, no matter how tired you are. Naps are an excuse to reduce productivity).
1. Wake Up In The Morning With Plenty Of Time to Spare.
I recommend waking up between 45 minutes to an hour before you must leave your house. Wait, but why miss out on precious sleep that you could be getting? Well, let me tell you my philosophy on this. If you wake up with enough time to get completely ready in a peaceful, unrushed manner, your day has already started on a good foot. After you've gotten ready, if you have extra time, you can complete any homework that you may have forgotten to do the night before. Then, you have time to eat a breakfast without swallowing it in one bite, or eating it in the car. I take between 25 and 30 minutes to do my hair, makeup, and get dressed. This usually leaves me with a good amount of time to eat something nutritious, and get out the door. In the morning I like to eat something with natural sugars, like fruit, oatmeal, or a granola bar. Do not skip breakfast, even if you only have time to eat a granola bar in the car, eat something. Most mornings I also have a smoothie because it is full of natural sugars, and makes your body feel replenished. The natural goodness powers your body with good sugar, and carbs.
2. Eat The Right Foods.
Having energy is all about putting good into your body, so that it rewards you with an attentive mindset, and sharpness. For lunch I like to bring carrots, or a salad, as well as water. I also bring a granola bar, or some kind of carb. For dinner it depends what day of the week it is. On days that I have cheer practice dinner is usually a quick and simple meal. Avoid fried foods, foods high in saturated fat, and lots of food coloring. These foods make you feel sluggish, and don't make it easy to power through hours of homework. Some of my favorite power foods, that are great for your health, and taste great too, are: avocados, strawberries, carrots, pomegranates, granola and oatmeal, tea, white peaches, apples, kale, mangos, spinach, and pineapple.
3. Mindset, Mindset, Mindset.
It's all about your perception, and attitude. Keeping a positive attitude, and setting constant short term goals is something that always keeps me going. When you set things to look forward to, the sucky things in life get a little easier. Look at everything as an opportunity, and do the things that you hate the most first. Another way to alter your life is to change your vocabulary. Replace victim words and phrases like, "I have to " with opportunist and optimistic phrases like, "I get to" and, "I am able to". Being positive makes each day easier, and gives you an enjoyable life. Be optimistic, put in maximum effort, and you'll get great results.
I say this one in all caps, because it is most vital to my life. A lot of AP/IB kids stay up until 1 a.m. doing homework, and wake up at 5 a.m. to finish it, and get to school. For some people this sleep schedule works, but I am not one of those people. My body can not function without the proper amount of sleep. I go to sleep between 9 and 9:30, and wake up between 4 a.m. and 4:45. My trick to going to sleep this early is simple. As soon as I get home I start my homework, and save studying for after dinner. I pay close attention in my classes, and take notes. This reduces the amount that I have to study, because I am attentive in class. I use my time wisely, and do not get distracted by my phone. I turn my phone on silent, and focus on my homework and studying. I spend little time on my social media during the week, because it just isn't beneficial to the things I'm trying to accomplish. Whatever is happening on your phone is not as important as your homework, and getting to bed on time, I promise you. Sleep is the time when your body rests, and repairs itself. If you do not give your body the sleep it needs, it can not give you the thing you need. YOU NEED SLEEP, YOU ARE NOT SUPERHUMAN. GET YOUR SLEEP GIRL.