It's here, the moment we've all been waiting for.
Well.. not quite. I suppose completing the last year of high school is probably a good step to ensuring I can receive my diploma. And if you are like me, you will be graduating coming this next spring.
Now, the two possible reactions are either:
Or, the just as charming response:
Ugh, I still have to attend this living hell for one more year.
I know, I know. Well, I guess I really don't know because I, unlike many others, actually enjoy school (at least when it's on my terms). But nevertheless, I still get your point. I also am ready to be rid of high school and get on with my life.
But how to enjoy the last home stretch? I've concocted a little list on how to better enjoy your senior year and appreciate your last moments as a high schooler:
1. Take part in your school festivities.
As many of you may be able to relate, I show practically no school spirit. The only thing that would bring me some points are that I go to the assemblies, occasionally play along with the spirit weeks, and oh--I did help plan prom this past school year.
But, I've only attended two football games of the three years of high school (going into my fourth), and never went to any other sporting event my school has had, ever. I never even knew where our soccer field was until a month ago.
That being said, I would like to actually be able to call myself a [insert school mascot here], and feel like my school is another home. This requires me actually showing up to more sporting events and theater productions, join a few more clubs, go to senior prom, and make my high school experience one worth remembering.
2. Complete all of your assignments...on time!
I personally don't have a huge problem completing tasks, assignments, and/or homework on time. Like I mentioned earlier, I enjoy school--although, I don't care too much for the homework. I love learning and expanding my knowledge.
Now, I'm not saying you should spend your every waking moment focused on school because trust me, that was my life junior year and it was horrible. But what I am saying is that you should still make school work a priority. Finish your assignments on time, turn in your homework when it's expected because although senior is supposed to be one for the books, it's also massively important to maintain a good GPA so colleges still want you.
With that being said, don't overdo advanced classes or crank through work during your senior year. This is your last year of high school--make it count!
3. Search for scholarships, perfect those essays, and get those college applications in!
If you don't plan on going to college and extending your education, then go ahead and skip this one. But if college is in your future plans, keep on reading!
The thing about senior year is that it seems like the middle child, being pushed and pulled between the younger, high school, and the older, college. It can feel like unfamiliar and mysterious territory, often infecting students with the disease known as senioritis.
Let's be honest, though. I got knocked in the head with senioritis when I was halfway through junior year. Thus, probably why I still have applied for zero scholarships. That's why I'm here today to tell you to do it now--and maybe this will actually force me into applying as well.
Colleges like to see that their possible incoming students are prepared and know how to keep organized. So make sure to take some time out of your (hopefully) wild senior year to step back and focus on your future plans and how you can make them seem clearer.
4. Have fun!
Yes, getting school work in on time, applying for scholarships, and writing college essays may all be important--in fact, extremely important, but it still equally as significant to enjoy the last hoorah.
By doing this, I encourage us all to make sure we actually have a social life. As I said before, my previous year consisted of no social life. At all. Because of that, I want to make sure my senior year actually is fun and involves my dearest friends (and family, of course). Make plans with your friends, go on dates, and ditch!...At least once, but make sure you still get your work turned in afterwards (or before)!
So, my dear readers and fellow seniors, I wish us all a fabulous senior year. May we all end it blissfully, leaving being prepared and excited for whatever that next step may be.