If you're like me and you spend your summers up at school, you've probably gone through a rollercoaster of emotions. There's something about not having spent over a month at home since the day you left for your first semester of college that's pretty tough to describe, but what better way than through Spongebob?
At first, all of your high school friends are still at their schools stressing about finals and it seems like the best thing in the world to be at school, but not worried about anything. Then, they all go home... And hang out... And post on the gram... I'd bet that I'm not the only one who gets some major FOMO seeing all of your friends from back home hanging out and hitting up the usual hangout spots without you.
2. Excitement
I spend my summers at school as an orientation leader for first-year students, something I look forward to all year long. My time as an OL has been the most fun I have ever had, so naturally, when orientation finally hits, I wouldn't want to be anywhere else. All that pesky FOMO's gone, only to replaced by nothing, but fun times.
3. Alone
Then, the exciting part of your summer ends and you're back to being a one-man wolf pack. The dining halls are empty because you're pretty much the only one on campus. You start counting down the days until school starts and all your friends come back to play, or even just eat meals with you. Days seem to drag on and the song "Me, Myself, and I" becomes your anthem.
4. Excitement, pt. 2
Finally, the long, lonely part of the summer is over and all of your pals are starting to head back to town! It's finally time for some human interaction again so you're feeling like a dog when his owner comes home from work. You welcome them back with open arms and can't wait to tell them all about your awesome summer at school.