So I basically workout everyday. Well, maybe more like four times a week, but that's more than half the week. I usually gage my workouts on how sore I am, which I read in Cosmo isn't actually a thing and soreness is based off something else, not workout intensity. Anyway, after my most recent leg day (ughhhh) I decided it was time to break down the order of the soreness.
Right after your workout, you're usually tired and your muscles feel worn, but the lactic acid that causes soreness hasn't built up yet. Then, after you sit for a long period of time you start to feel it when you get up. This is a great indicator of a hard workout, but most gym rats know that this is usually the calm before the storm.
The Next Day
This next one I'm going to further break it down, so first let's talk about the next morning. The next morning ask you slowly wake, you move to grab your phone but on the journey to your bedside table, you feel an ache. Then you know it. I usually groan and try to remember why I'm sooooo sore, but then I remember it was arm day and I should just push through the pain. Next is identifying which muscles actually hurt. After brushing your teeth you realize your bicep and forearm is sore. Then after putting up your hair you realize your traps are sore, too. This stage is all about testing your limits to figure out how to move through the day pain free. But the next step, acceptance, is when you realize that there is NO WAY to adjust to the soreness so your best bet is to accept it. You spend the rest of the day mentally preparing yourself before doing anything that your sore muscles won't approve of. Eventually you crawl back in bed and you think the torture is over.
Day Two
The key word in my last sentence was think because the worst day is always the second. My high school anatomy teacher actually told us this was a fact, especially if you didn't workout the day before. You wake up in the morning and think the day is yours, but when you reach for your phone you basically want to cry. You think, why did I skip the gym yesterday? But because you did you have to experience the same stages but this time 10X worse. By the end of the day you've either worked out again or you're regretting leaving your comfy bed. Hopefully tomorrow is better.
Day Three
Unless you started this cycle all over again, you probably feel way better. Yay! But if you haven't hit the gym by today, then you probably should. The only way to build muscle/strength/results is by repeat use! Use this newfound energy to hit the gym and end it with a protein shake.
If you're like me, you think working out is painfully rewarding. I've learned the best way to beat the soreness is to workout through it. I know that was kinda cliche and all your coaches have told you that, but it's true! So, go out there and get active!